WTF are you listening to?

discovered this today, i think it is pretty cool

it’s fairly straightforward prog with a symphonic edge, modern-ish (2007) but reminds me of marillion and pink floyd et al
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Listening to Be Forewarned by Pentagram I started to think "this is good, but Day of Reckoning is so much better," which is right when Petrified came on. Holy shit.

Also, Jormundgand because it's been a long time. Still one of the more unique albums I own, so good. I've never heard any other Helheim, which is just plain silly.

I'm about to go on a very lengthy Edge of Sanity bender because I am, and they are one of those bands that even their shittiest crap has some appeal (Cryptic).

I'm very confused, but I suppose it wouldn't be Mr. Bungle if it all made sense.
A Woman's Work is Trevor Dunn said:
It was less like a trip of nostalgia and more like the refining of an original, worthy document. We were haunted for 35 years by the fact that this music wasn't given it's due respect. Now we can die.
Right, now I get it.
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Erik, check out this album:

(This is just the first track. Each song is there though as the album.)

i know you've been loving this album probably since we started postin up in here and i think maybe now i'm ready to embrace it. i've heard a lot of good things ("omg this is the best MoDeRn (i.e. 90's or later) prog album ever") so

i've been listening a bit and liking it but i'll get back to you when it sinks in proper like, it's not exactly easy listening

meanwhile i'm totally fucking super into this phideaux album, i mean holy god damn what
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this album is a thing of love and beauty in ways I could only hint at in a forum post

Just this morning I was listening to it in the car and I was so devaststed to be only half way through "Att sväva över vidderna" by the time I got home that I had to drive an extra 10 km just so I could listen to the end :)
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you know, I havent listened to that or the song on the split with angantyr. I need to fix that.

Erik is probably sick of me saying so, but this is his best song (which is saying a lot considering the quality of the material released afterward). It's kind of a shame that it wasn't a stand-alone release. Angantyr is fine, but the quality doesn't compare...
Yeah man, you really dun did good with that latest Nasheim. I brought it on a long, desolate desert drive one day, thinking "not sure this will work in this environment" but it really did. It was a cold winter journey in a mountainous region of said desert, which I know enhanced the mood.
A box from Germany arrived today with new Ulver CD, new Ulver book, new Paysage d'Hiver, and free Vision Bleak sampler thingy (cool because I love Empyrium and to a lesser extent Noekk but don't really know said bleak vision).

Wolves Evolve looks like something really special. And it's a high quality pressing, even better. I thumbed through it and was glad to see they made fun of the most pretentious elements of Perdition City. I fucking love that album don't get me wrong, but a few elements of the liner notes are Peak Douchery. I nod in self-deprecating approval.

Flowers of Evil is fine upon first listen. Definitely on their more straightforward / easy-listening side of things. That's perfectly cromulent, as I forever dig that they always do something different and knew what to expect with the Russian Doll single from a few months ago. Possible booty shaking may commence.

Im Wald is what that dude does. Less wind this time, and also some random Silver Mt. Zion style piano just thrown on top of one song (wtf?!). I like it but the best part is the cool foldout thingy it came with, which found itself immediately pinned upon my wall:


This corner of my music room represents two of my greatest loves in the world: Dark Forest of Mystery and Darkness + HAPPY BOOBIES!!!