WTF are you listening to?

This, from the new album by the best dark jazz ensemble around, namely Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones. Actually a live album with new renditions of songs from their entire discography. Can't wait to get my signed copy...

This is Maltese Doom Metal legend Albert Bell's (Forsaken, Nomad Son) solo project Sacro Sanctus which mixes doom with the heavy influence of Motorhead and first wave black metal. Look at this epic, corny, METHUL video about the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR.

Bonus video:

<3 and I mean that very sincerely. You have taught me so much over these years of shared RC.

I once read a quote from Kurt Cobain about that album. Something like "Pod is the best/worst breakup album" and he is totally right.

THAT BEING SAID the wife and I have had a bit of a rough time lately and she asked me what album l listen to when I hate her. The answer is Thought Industry - Black Umbrella.

When I doubt my life choices, I drive into the desert and listen to Black Umbrella. Then I cry. Drive home. And hope for a better tomorrow.
Pod is a phenomenal album. And how that song segues into "Oh!" ...dayum. However, I've never listened to your recommended album for emo times though. I'll remedy that ASAP. I just gotta pick a fight with the wimman first.
Yeah their earlier shit is some rad prog/death/metal. BUT! The later shit hits the emotions. I've only been married once, and never divorced (yet). Black Umbrella is a divorce album.

Her perfume smells of lead.
With cabernet and cigarettes.

I don't know of any heartache greater than that.
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Thought Industry = In the Woods...

We pick and choose what speaks to us. Omnio YES. Black Umbrella YES. Other stuff? Yeah it's good, but...
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