WTF are you listening to?

Me back in 2017 about abigor:
are there any other second wavey bands that are still around making quality albums, expanding their sound but still staying within the confines of bm
I stand by it as they release another album that seemingly came out of nowhere---I like the added symphonic elements, some more soloing and the adventurous riffing, reminds me of Opus IV. Obviously different sounds entirely, but back in the early 2000's, it would have been hard to argue that overall discography Abigor would edge out summoning. I love summoning-- minas morgul, dol guldur and stronghold are classics, but after that I think they're making solid albums within their style--Abigor had their initial run of albums in the 90's and since 2007 have released great/awesome albums and seemingly continue to get better-


Ive stayed away from Abigor since Fractal Possession. At the time I hated it. I dont care if they went back to their old school ways, but is the newer shit (last few albums) any good? Sure, I can listen to em, but do they have staying power?

Kinda sorta just an okay album, but I mean how could I turn down having a band named BARROW WIGHT on my shelves?
I have always wanted to like Dinosaur Jr. but I have never been able to get into them.

Tell me which album to start with, O Mighty Ken, and I shall try again.

Still listening to Barrow Wight. The song is called IN LEAGUE WITH SAURON.
Ooph..that's tough. I dunno. Either You're Living All Over Me for the 80's stuff (starts with BM screams \m/) or for the later, re-grouped 2010's years, I personally love Farm. From the 90's albums, I choose Green Mind.

It took me a few listening sessions for them to really click with me too. At first I thought it was fine but now I'm in love.
I will scope out those three albums at some point, I think I tried Green Mind once some years ago. THANX!

Sonic Youth is another one that I have tried several times and they just... I don't "get" it. But I feel like I should since they all do weird shit with the guitar. And I like weird shit with the guitar.

NP: NaPalm death
Sonic Youth's mandatory starting point is Daydream Nation. My favorite 90's SY album is Washing Machine. Then my favorite 200's SY album is Sonic Nurse followed by Murray Street.

I tend to like them more when they are less experimental and drony.
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Yep, Daydream Nation is the only one I've heard. I liked it okay but didn't dive in. If I ever bought the CD I would give it a proper study, same with Dinosaur Jr.

Much of the time indie rawk just ends up in the Pavement Pile for me. I bought their "classic" album decades ago, give it a whirl every few years, and still hate it.
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Carcass have a new one out, right? I must scope it out.

Surgical Steel was great. Hell I even love Swansong.

I still cite this as their best song, if I had to choose one:

Doesn't even sound like them really. But I loves it so.
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