WTF are you listening to?

I fucking love that album cover, and man I am 90% sure I've been there but I cannot place its location. I showed it to my wife and before I said anything she said "we've been there!"

I'll figure this one out eventually, go there, take a photo of it, and add it to my Desert Rock Photographic Collection alongside things like this:

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Best of 2020 - FOAD

Sweven - Eternal Resonance (so so good)
Ulcerate - Stare into the Death and be still
Imperial Triumphant - Alphaville

Laetita in Holocaust - Hertiage

Fluisteraars - Bloem
Malokarpatan - Krupinske ohne
Circle of Ouroborus - Viimeinen juoksu

Mamaleek - Come & see

Turia - Degen van Licht
Kaatayra - Toda historia pela frente

Axis of Light - s/t (great raw bm that went somewhat overlooked)

Autechre - Sign
R.A.P Ferreria - Purple moonlight pages
Armand Hammer - Shrines
Aesop Rock - Spirit world field guide
Little Dragon - New me, same us
Microphones - microphones in 2020
October Falls - Syys

JoDoden - Cellskracksmemoarer (if you like the aforementioned october falls, musk ox, etc. this is an awesome album:

Auctechre - Plus
Love you mate

(in a manly way)
I'll take manly or unmanly--it's that kind of year :p:worried:

Damn! I didn't realize that he was putting out another album. I'm a huge fan of "Sittandes..." so I need to check this out ASAP
Yea, I had actually heard this one before the previous album---I think I like this new one a bit more, the playing seems more intricate which works for this style.
I concur
The old Fluisteraars stuff is solid kinda East European flavoured BM but they actually reinvented themselves on the new one by dividing the length of the songs and nailing more juicy riffs.
I've been listening to a lot of older Marduk. Screw Ultimatemetal for making my adolescent and impressionable self thinking that the band was shit norsecore back in 2006.