WTF are you listening to?

An Italian band aping early DsO/Funeral Mist. This could have gone belly-up in style but it's actually a good album. Not great but good. Some riffs are weirdly "happy" (Italian, eh?) and they stand to gain from losing some of the full throttle approach.
Ive stayed away from Abigor since Fractal Possession. At the time I hated it. I dont care if they went back to their old school ways, but is the newer shit (last few albums) any good?

I would say go with
Leytmotif Luzifer, Totschlager (their one from this year) , then Hollenzwang--

An Italian band aping early DsO/Funeral Mist. This could have gone belly-up in style but it's actually a good album. Not great but good. Some riffs are weirdly "happy" (Italian, eh?) and they stand to gain from losing some of the full throttle approach.
Sounds good to me--definitely has that unique italian riffage here and there.

Not reinventing the wheel here but love this one:

This one as well -- definitely some punkier vibes but great riffs abound

but also

This one reminds of portal if they played more crushing nightmarish bm (I love how this song builds up with little hints of low end bass lines in at around 4-7 minutes--headphones a must here)

Definitely loving this one--

Andd super late to the party, but just discovered the Tilt album by Scott Walker :D
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Rock n' Roll Suicide is one of my favoUrite things ever.

Diamond Dogs is my personal #1 Bowie album. The intro, the flow, the songs, the outro, the menace, the everything.
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I was going to make a funny poll called DISSECTION v. EMPEROR and leave the only two options for favoUrite album to be ReinkaΩs and Prometheus but it really isn't that funny so instead I'll just post this:

:kickass: <-- that's a mug o' ginger ale today
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Very good raw and melodic black metal from the Netherlands, with obvious Bergtatt influences.

i think this is pretty good

i listened to the whole album which is a real rarity when it comes to new black metal these days so yeah i think it's pretty good
Yeah I like Reinkaos.

I've been listening to Gaerea after seeing them appear in quite a few best of 2020 lists. Enjoying both their full-lengths.

Three weeks too late, but I just lol'd at this one. I haven't watched all their bedroom covers this past year, but several have been a pretty solid RDRR throughout lockdown poopshit.

its the best album of 2020 according to rateyourmusic so u know its gotta be good

my main issue with this is that he introduces a third chord and starts singing around 7:40

if it had just been the two chords then it would have been essentially perfect
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