metalkingdom said:
Can someone (preferably the accuser) please explain the term "sellout" to me? I've heard this off and on for 20 years now, and I still don't get it.

Everyone sees it as something else. I tend to see it as when a band/artist goes against their beliefs/intentions for the band/changes the the style to something they don't wanna play ect.. so they can make more money.
Well, my statement/question wasn't meant to be taken literally. I know what people are trying to say when they use the term "sellout", but I think that it's complete bullshit. That's all.
If Nevermore were to come Florida with Disturbed I will no doubt go to that concert, out of all the bands I love, Nevermore really deserves the exposure but DISTURBED?!? I really can't wash the taste out of my mouth with this one...I'd rather them tour with Limp Bizquick, at least they don't claim to be metal like that fucking sack of crap douche bag singer of disturbed when they're blatantly not.

I don't think this makes Nevermore "sellouts" but they could have really chosen a better band to tour with. :(
nataservant said:
If Nevermore were to come Florida with Disturbed I will no doubt go to that concert, out of all the bands I love, Nevermore really deserves the exposure but DISTURBED?!? I really can't wash the taste out of my mouth with this one...I'd rather them tour with Limp Bizquick, at least they don't claim to be metal like that fucking sack of crap douche bag singer of disturbed when they're blatantly not.

I don't think this makes Nevermore "sellouts" but they could have really chosen a better band to tour with. :(

Somehow I doubt they "chose" Disturbed.
nataservant said:
If Nevermore were to come Florida with Disturbed I will no doubt go to that concert, out of all the bands I love, Nevermore really deserves the exposure but DISTURBED?!? I really can't wash the taste out of my mouth with this one...I'd rather them tour with Limp Bizquick, at least they don't claim to be metal like that fucking sack of crap douche bag singer of disturbed when they're blatantly not.

I don't think this makes Nevermore "sellouts" but they could have really chosen a better band to tour with. :(

Hahah. Where in Florida do you live? I reside in the old people state aswell.
metalkingdom said:
Can someone (preferably the accuser) please explain the term "sellout" to me? I've heard this off and on for 20 years now, and I still don't get it.

as for me "sellout" means getting more gay to earn more I also dont think this makes Nevermore "sellouts"...

they've always been gays!!HA:D
sellout is an objective term. If the listeners want more flash and pomp and the band sacrifices the music to bring more flash and pomp in order to get more money, then i guess its selling out.

As a listener, i wanted Nevermore to have sweeter riffs and solos, and they delivered what i wanted. So i guess nevermore sold out to me. :)
MajestikMøøse said:
total fucking sellouts if you ask me.

next thing you know, Jeff Loomis is gonna be "down with the sickness"

The days of your epic power metal nevermore are over.

I don't know you, so I sure as fucking hell hope you are just kidding around. if you're not, than you are a God damned idiot.