Yes, it's very early, but what are your thoughts on McCain?

And there was also two different people who charged the White House. And didn't someone smash their SUV into the gates recently?

Either way, there will always be some whack job wanting to kill the president, no matter who it is.
Yeah, it's ballsy, to be sure.
But I think it's safe to assume that it wasn't a liberal who murdered JFK, or Bobby K, or Martin Luther King, or blew up the building in Oklahoma, or who brought 9/11 to fruition.

It takes strong men on the right to make big events happen. The only time you see leftists doing any shooting is when they're sure nobody will shoot back. Like the red guards in china or Che Guevarra in Cuba.

Why the hell are you putting 9/11 on that list? Those stupid dust coons aren't left or right, they're muslim.
Don't be so quick to write off Hillary. She wouldn't exactly be my first choice either, but you're not looking at the whole picture. Yes, she is very hated. But most of that hatred resides in states that will stay red no matter who the nominee is. At the very minimum, she'll get the same states Kerry got. I just took a look at the Electoral College from 04 again, and I just don't see any state in there that is going to have a problem with her. She's a terrific compaigner and the way things are in Ohio right now, I see it as very possible she could pick up those extra 100,000 votes to win Ohio. Everyone predicted in 2000 that she was going to get beat by Rick Lazio and she smoked him.

You guys are also totally underestimating the women's vote. My aunt is a staunch conservative but she wants Hillary simply because she wants a woman as president. Personally, I think that's a ridiculous reason to vote for someone, but I think there's more like her.

Again, I'm not arguing in favor of her, but I think it is foolish to write her off just yet. Think about the Electoral College rather than the nation as a whole.
I haven't written her off totally. You would think that more women would have resentment for her because she let Bill run around on her so much.
I am in NY and I don't remember Lazio being a heavy favorite. I remember it being rather close. Lazio lost that election when he got obnoxious with that carpetbagger during the debates.
Hillary may also piss off a lot of people by leaving her seat to run for POTUS. Didn't she make some promises about fulfilling her term if re-elected? I thought I remember reading something about that back when Pirro was still earmarked as her likely opponent.
Yeah, it's ballsy, to be sure.
But I think it's safe to assume that it wasn't a liberal who murdered JFK, or Bobby K, or Martin Luther King, or blew up the building in Oklahoma, or who brought 9/11 to fruition.

Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray and Lee Harvey Oswald were right-wingers?
BTW -Lee Harvey Oswald was the best thing that ever happened to JFK.
I haven't written her off totally. You would think that more women would have resentment for her because she let Bill run around on her so much.

Why would anybody care?
What goes on in their marriage is a private matter.
Yeah, it's ballsy, to be sure.
But I think it's safe to assume that it wasn't a liberal who murdered JFK, or Bobby K, or Martin Luther King, or blew up the building in Oklahoma, or who brought 9/11 to fruition.

I think it would be a safe bet that Jesse Jackson had ALOT to do with Martin Luther Kings murder. I always go back to the pictures of martin luther shot. No one is attending to him, just Jesse and two other dudes pointing to the shooter across the way. I bet Farrakhan was involved too.
It takes strong men on the right to make big events happen. The only time you see leftists doing any shooting is when they're sure nobody will shoot back. Like the red guards in china or Che Guevarra in Cuba.

Why the hell are you putting 9/11 on that list? Those stupid dust coons aren't left or right, they're muslim.

Dust coons! My new favorite catch phrase! Love the cartman avatar. hes my hero.
Why would anybody care?
What goes on in their marriage is a private matter.

That is your opinion. That is not to say that others will not draw their own conclusions. It is not unreasonable to think that women may judge her based on this.