Yet Another Newbie...

Nemesis_lxix said:
I have never been more glad to be wrong !:p

Should I believe you that? :p
Well, you see, I live in Germany for 20 years and I have german nationality, but my father is from former Yugoslavia (so we were like neighbours) and I have some hungarian and portugese blood too (that´s why portugese soccer team :lol: ) I have dark hair and dark eyes...
agonija said:
whoaaaaaaaaa, Cristiano Ronaldo is on our forum, if the girlies would know that......this wouldn´t be a metal forum anymore....I am so in love....:p
Yes I am Cristiano Ronaldo. It is true. Though I must admit I look slightly different in person than in my photos. Barely noticeable really. Anyway please inform and send all attractive females my direction so we can... talk soccer.
Nemesis_lxix said:
Believe me !
I like better dark hair and dark eyes especially with pale white skin.
I just assumed you were blond coz you are German just like I am dark coz being Mediterranean.

Well, I am not really German and pale white skin - not really, I only say solarium :lol:....anyway, I´ll see if I can find any pic here where I look halfway normal :lol: I often make somehow such a stupid face on the pictures.....and mediterranean that topic I´ll just say: look at my avatar :p never liked blond guys :lol:
Thoth-Amon said:
Yes I am Cristiano Ronaldo. It is true. Though I must admit I look slightly different in person than in my photos. Barely noticeable really. Anyway please inform and send all attractive females my direction so we can... talk soccer.

How different? and for that attractive females, if you are CR, the only person that I can send to you is myself :lol:
Nemesis_lxix said:
Charismatic ? and you haven’t even seen a picture of me where my lower body is visible :lol:
Just joking.

The first two photos are 5 months ago right before I went to a party and the last is last night at the gym.I look terrible at photos so I never take any of myself.

Hmm I always look like a potatoe in my photos.. But you know how to poseNemesis_lxix...
If I smile, my eyes dissappears, if I don't then I look as if posing... But I still look like a whole potatoe..
Actually I don’t know how to pose and this is also my problem.When I try to pose to a camera I always manage to look at the wrong direction and my eyes appear stupid.Or I make a stupid face.In these pictures I wear glasses and try to be emotionless.This is why I don’t look silly !

I have seen your album and let me say you look great so don’t be so hard on your self.
I really like the photo of your dog :lol:
My beer buddy has a dog just like that.
Nemesis_lxix said:
Actually I don’t know how to pose and this is also my problem.When I try to pose to a camera I always manage to look at the wrong direction and my eyes appear stupid.Or I make a stupid face.In these pictures I wear glasses and try to be emotionless.This is why I don’t look silly !

I have seen your album and let me say you look great so don’t be so hard on your self.
I really like the photo of your dog :lol:
My beer buddy has a dog just like that.

:blush: :blush: :blush:

I love my dog.. Her name's Peggy.. She's a Tibetan Spaniel.. Looks like the Pekinesse's.. She looks like Gremlins :)
Nemesis_lxix said:
I thought that Köpeðim (I had to copy paste this :lol:) was her name.
Tell me are just 24 and a teacher amd look very metal.You go to school with black nail,Metal T-shirts and thorns ? If you do let me say you are my idea of an ideal teacher :lol:

Ehuehuehe.. LOL!!! Köpegim means my dog in turkish...

By the way, yes I am a teacher, one of the most extraordinary one :P
No no.. I am living in Turkiye.. So that it is not so possible for me to be a goth teacher. It is not good, for the parents and for the administration. And Ilso I am growing up day by day.. While I was like between 16 - 22 I was always wearing in black with dark make ups etc. But now I have a job, I have a future, I have goals, I've graduated from teh university so studentship is over. But still I go work with boots, and some black stuff.. I am trying to wear a bit more girly stuff.. Sometimes I wear somethink pink. Pretending to be a nice girl :) But I am stll listening to the same stuff.. I am still trying to catch all the opportunities to go to a concert or festival.. So I am still me.. In disguaise of a person of which is expected by the others.. But still my students are very fond of me saying that I am their best teacher ever of whom they could never dream of..

This is a general appereance of me from the restroom of the place I work.. We have to wear those white things on us while we are lecturing...

And this is another me in the teachers room.. I don't have that stupid white thing on me as the class was over...

So for example this picture below is taken once when I wore something pink.. You can click on them if you want to enlarge them.

And this is how I looked like throughout mu university life

And finally a picture from my graduation from university..
First of all let me show you how majority of the people looked like and maybe you can easily guess who am I in that picture

This is before the graduation ceremony, before we dressed up.. and, the other picture is from my graduation ceremony:)

So that's me:)
I have already seen most of these pictures in your gallery but let me say one more time you look beautiful :)
My guess is that you probably teach English since your posts are very well written (in addition to mine :lol: ) but what’s with the white robe ? you don’t teach chemistry,do you ?
So they make you wear that all the time ? what for ?

I used to look more “metal” myself but since I finished school I have changed a lot.Not because I give a shit for what others think of me ! It is just I feel more comfortable this way.I stopped wearing tight panes since I read that they cause “sexual” problems.I no longer wear boots coz I cant drive in them.No more leather bracelets since my hands sweat and no more thorns coz they don’t go with the outfit :lol:
I still wear some black clothes when it aint too hot and I never take off the cross round my neck.

What I ever had closer to a metal teacher was and old school rocker who was my driving instructor.We used to put in the car player stuff like Eagles,Stones,Sabbath…that was a bit of a moment I must say :lol:
If I were a metal teacher I would encourage my metalhead students to study by offering the beer in metal clubs :lol:

This is some more of me….
Nemesis, there aint anythin wrong with you bro...DOnt mean that in a poofie way though :Smokin: