Nemesis_lxix said:
I thought that Köpeðim (I had to copy paste this

) was her name.
Tell me are just 24 and a teacher amd look very metal.You go to school with black nail,Metal T-shirts and thorns ? If you do let me say you are my idea of an ideal teacher
Ehuehuehe.. LOL!!! Köpegim means my dog in turkish...
By the way, yes I am a teacher, one of the most extraordinary one

No no.. I am living in Turkiye.. So that it is not so possible for me to be a goth teacher. It is not good, for the parents and for the administration. And Ilso I am growing up day by day.. While I was like between 16 - 22 I was always wearing in black with dark make ups etc. But now I have a job, I have a future, I have goals, I've graduated from teh university so studentship is over. But still I go work with boots, and some black stuff.. I am trying to wear a bit more girly stuff.. Sometimes I wear somethink pink. Pretending to be a nice girl

But I am stll listening to the same stuff.. I am still trying to catch all the opportunities to go to a concert or festival.. So I am still me.. In disguaise of a person of which is expected by the others.. But still my students are very fond of me saying that I am their best teacher ever of whom they could never dream of..
This is a general appereance of me from the restroom of the place I work.. We have to wear those white things on us while we are lecturing...
And this is another me in the teachers room.. I don't have that stupid white thing on me as the class was over...
So for example this picture below is taken once when I wore something pink.. You can click on them if you want to enlarge them.

And this is how I looked like throughout mu university life
And finally a picture from my graduation from university..
First of all let me show you how majority of the people looked like and maybe you can easily guess who am I in that picture
This is before the graduation ceremony, before we dressed up.. and, the other picture is from my graduation ceremony
So that's me