you almost got me.


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
i ALMOST read Alex's post for the two towers but i must keep myself clean from any spoilerish reviews until i see it. alex ruined yoda doing a light saber battle for me in star wars over the summer. thanks dude.
of course i did also just read the spoilers for the next three episodes of angel so i am not always perfect. the worst was when my friend who will go unnamed(Christopher Blodgett) was asked what he thought of the Sixth Sense and not knowing I had never seen it, he blurted out "I can't believe Bruce Willis was actually dead."
Doood! That movie wasn't that good and I think it was all because I knew he was dead before I saw it. Come to think of it, I don't see to many movies before I know what happens.
when you read a book you know you get a certain idea in your head of what something will look like or what have you and i don't want anyone telling me specifics of how the movie looks or anything else that might ruin the anticipation in my head. it was the same thing with the harry potter movie. there was certain things i pictured in my head and i wanted to see if they would do the same on film. now i am just babbling.
wow, there is the gayest conversation happening in the opeth forum... people are using all these big words to talk about how much they like "musical innovation"
Originally posted by xfer
more like musical innoGAYtion! ha ha ha ha!

<-- wit

aint nothing but steers and queers come from the opeth forum, and you don't look much like a steer to me so that kind of narrows it down don't you think?