you and bodom - how did it start?

^ Next in Line? Weird.. the song is weird.. and the name makes no sense, because you don't know the lyrics.. AYDY really has some shit songs, but it also has some of the best stuff COB made..
I was looking through my bro's cd collection about 6 years ago. I found SW, thought it looked cool. Listened to it, and was blown away.
Getting a ride home from school by my older bro. He listens to rap, hip hop, and some prep punk shit, or whatever. I got in the car and fuckin' this awesome shit comes out and he told me it was bodom. I didnt really get into it till a year later. That was in 2003.
Well my friend thought Red light in my eyes pt 2 was nightwish song so he gave it to me with all nwsh songs. One day i was looking for lyrics and i foun the band i never heard of before. CoB. A few months later i decided to hear more of them and now here I am, one of the fans :D
i found the first cob video online. checked it out just for the hell of it. found out about their other albums and realized this band was great. then i found out about kalmah and now i dont listen to cob as much anymore. but they still kick arse!!
My boyfriend was a fan of them and he asked me to come with him to a concert in Amsterdam. I hadn't really heard a lot of them, so my bf send some songs. I quite liked it, went to the concert, it was AMAZING!! And now i'm a fan :D
my brother once lent me a cd with fidderent stuff in it, and the third track was Kising the shadows by COB (i didnt know them then), so i was like, man, that is so good, whats that band called, and he said Children Of Bodom, and then i was like sick...and Kissing the shadows still is my fav song by COB.
so thats it, thats how it started.
I was looking up yahoo skins last year and i came across a Children Of Bodom skin,it looked kinda cool i decided to see what they were and such and decided to check them out,i listened to Everytime I Die and Trashed,Lost,& Strungout,and checked out there other stuff
checking out some songs on my friends mp3. I was just listening to the intros and one stuck. I went back to find it. It was hades by Kalmah.So i was lookin Kalmah up and saw some poeple talking about how kalmah and bodom were like the same(I know I know,they arnt)so I asked my friend about them. He gave me a CD to listen to and I really liked it.
They only had Something Wild and Hatebreeder when I first heard of them. I listened to Deadnight Warrior. At this time I was like 13 and I listened to US rap so I didn't care at all ^^ and back in 2004 I've been sent Children of Decadence together with other songs, and as I started playing guitar they became the main thing I've been listening to for 1 year or about.
a friend gave me a dvd with some metal videos when I started listening metal... I adored the music, but I wasn't too keen on the voice... then I decided to listen something more from them, dunno why... and I borrowed a cd from a friend... HCDR... three days after I had my own copy, and a month later I had the whole discography XD I still don't like growl and screaming in general, but, dunno why, now I adore alexi's voice and similar ones... :hypno:
when i first heard Bodom I HATED the vocals, I still prefer clean, but I have goten used to them. I also strongly prefer Norther's Vocals (forgot his name againg, Petri somthing?) over Alexi anyday.