you and bodom - how did it start?

petri lindroos .. hmm well i dont like HIS too much.. the old front man of ensiferum and alexi have fukking kewl voices
I was 17 years old when I first heard them, a friend of mine at school put cob on during gymn and I told him "fuck, these guys rock, but they are not really my genre...":rolleyes:
luckily my stupid brain keeps on evolving XD so, when this girl said "alexi laiho is the coolest man ever" I had the courage to answer "alexi who???" and everyone nearly killed me with words... last year I borrowed follow the reaper from a friend, I listened bodom after midnight since this guy told me I absolutely had to listen it (and when I get a counsel I always follow it!), and I was left with my mouth wide open...:OMG: so widely open they had to call a crane to colse it... well, love at first note!:notworthy
War_Blade said:
nothing you say pwns anything, because you said it.

I agree with the Crane closign th mouth thing though, before I listend to Bodom I was all "0mg Metallica is the best band in t3h wrrlldd LOL!!!!!"

then It was a huge punch to the face, and after bodom came Sonata Arctica, Norther, Nightwish, Ensiferum, In Flames, and many more....:O
§healer devil§ said:
I was 17 years old when I first heard them, a friend of mine at school put cob on during gymn and I told him "fuck, these guys rock, but they are not really my genre...":rolleyes:
luckily my stupid brain keeps on evolving XD so, when this girl said "alexi laiho is the coolest man ever" I had the courage to answer "alexi who???" and everyone nearly killed me with words... last year I borrowed follow the reaper from a friend, I listened bodom after midnight since this guy told me I absolutely had to listen it (and when I get a counsel I always follow it!), and I was left with my mouth wide open...:OMG: so widely open they had to call a crane to colse it... well, love at first note!:notworthy

Bodom After Midnight? Well.. it was catchy when I heard it at first.
Bodom is good gym music, not for the tempo, but it gets your adrenaline up.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Bodom After Midnight? Well.. it was catchy when I heard it at first.
Bodom is good gym music, not for the tempo, but it gets your adrenaline up.
the sound of me not doing anything is great gym music.
Me and a new buddy were hanging out in his truck and we were listening to "lake bodom". I didnt know who the band was, I just loved the music. So he told me it was COB and I ended up buying all the albums. Im so lucky I found Them.
I was using a friends pc to look for new music of a sound i thought never existed and then i found out that it did. I shit myself, but luckily due to Children of Bodom's awesomness my feces had turned into Sour Zours, the worlds most awesome candy, which was promptly eaten by the dog who then grew horns and killed 15 ravers with a battleaxe clutched between his teeth. It was fucking cool.
Four years ago I was in the music store with my brother, and he'd finally picked 3-4 CD's he wanted to buy. Then he found Follow the Reaper and said he'd heard CoB was good but he wasn't gonna buy it this time. He said I maybe could buy it, and I did. When I came home and listened to it I was completely blown away. The music was so melodious, yet so heavy. Today, FTR is one of my favourite CoB albums.
it was a year and a half ago and i was going to a lamb of god concert witch at the tie was my favorite band and then this one band children of bodom came on. i was just watching and didn't think shit would happen but i was stunned and in complete awe by alexi's guitar tricks the melodic keyboards with blastbeats and awesome solo battles and awesome riffs and such and the the bass picking and since that day i have been a fan and they are my favorite band of all time!
I bought the first album because the drawing on the album seemed pretty cool o/
Three after , I'd already all the discography at home , Hate Crew Deathroll , and Blooddrunk still my favourite.
It was actually kinda funny. By the time before I start listening to them, I was into classic rock and all that kinda shit. Now I like Megadeth, Metallica, Judas etc etc (as far as metal bands go).. as well, but didn't like em as much as good ol GnR and Skid Row, Pink Floyd. So there was this song Downfall which I really liked, but there was something about the vocals that... didn't quite fit with me, cause I was so much into other vocals, but since I'm into the instrumental stuff it bothered me just a little. Then there was "are you dead yet" and "in your face" on the TV later on, that kinda got me interested. And one day my girlfriend was like "hey I saw that you like some of the songs, maybe I can recommend you some others that are not so heavy" (cause "in your face" was just too heavy for me) and yeah I started with "angels don't kill" then moved on to the heavier stuff and I was kinda afraid of what my relatives might think... but a long time passed and you know... I just don't care about their opinion, so they don't tell me anything, I got used to the vocal and I think it's fuckin' awesome! So yeah, man COB is just one insane band! Love it! (and about the classic stuff... fuck that, I already got over it and listening it like once a year compare to what it used to be before)
I had heard of them for a while but never really listened to them, then they came in concert with Black Dalhia Murder, who at the time were a fav of mine.

My girl begged me to go to the CoB show....I was like WTF is CoB, but since TBDM was playing I said fuck it..lets go. Then I get there and CoB comes on. I was like akid again hearing his dads rock albums. Biggest smile on my face. I was all, why the fuck hadn't I heard this's awesome.

Now I own all cd's and they are by far my fav band. Can't wait for the new Rockhouse DVD to come out.

BTW...holy old thread bat man.
To get on topic: How it started with me and COB? Well, I'd like to know how it will end. For lots of people here it ended with Are You Dead Yet.

thats the song that got me into COB and its my favourite album. Alexi vocals are heaps better these days too and the guitar work is at a much higher standard than the majority of music these days so why wouldn't you like Are You Dead Yet. Its a great metal album no matter what anyone says. Good listening and rocking out.
I like BFMV, Slipknot and LoG (as my fav metal bands) so I guess im different than a lot of people here but the feel from AYDY was enough to draw me in and keep me here
Heard bout CoB for a while and ppl mentioning it all the time. First checked it out then the vocals were like meh (I think I heard AYDY, probably thats why). A few months after looking for new bands came back and listened to their older stuff like FTR then I was blown away with it's awesomeness :D Then melodic death metal became my favorite genre :P Back when I was still into Thrash mainly I only listened to stuff from AYDY but then after getting into melodic leads, went straight listening to old CoB stuff \\m//
First of all i was really into My Chemical Romance, then a friend of mine showed me Nightwish and i was sort of like this :notworthy
Then a year later (i listened to nothing but nightwish by then ^^) the same friend showed me In Your Face and Terminus (Where death is most alive) by Dark Tranquillity and after that i was stuck to melodeath :)
well in the time i was listening only to nirvana and such, i was amazed with it and i didnt like metal at all. meanwhile a friend showed me a video of alexi playing a solo and i got fascinated with his way of playing, so i start listening all their albuns. now alexi laiho is my biggest influence and made me start playing guitar. i cant describe how much i love children of bodom and how much they changed my life for better. ALEXI IS A GOD.