you knoew what i hatre?

NAD, your album will be shipped tomorrow! and for the record yes i like smilies as well especially these---->:dopey: :yow: :bah:
JayKeeley said:
BWD started his night off with some good old fashioned :kickass:, but being a typical gluttonous yankee doodle, he ate too much :Spam: and kept drinking to the point of feeling :loco: . So he came into the forum to say :wave: , but ended up being :dopey: . And now, this morning, he feels :ill: and might wanna :Puke: but not until he's shoved another :Shedevil: up his :notworthy .
Hahahahaha! :lol: lol

Actually, me and my mate have a bit of a habit of shouting LOL when someone says something funny...when we remember of course.

Smilies are uber cool, and quite an important tool in life. How else would you survive MSN conversations with over-sensitive underage girls?