You laugh, you lose

Well to be fair Krig that video could probably be a pro-more-gun legislation point of view, while the comment is silly that video doesn't back it up.
Yeah I read about that. #1 that advice is illegal in most places, you can't just walk outside and start firing guns off. #2 the video explains the difference in how difficult it is to handle.
Yeah I read about that. #1 that advice is illegal in most places, you can't just walk outside and start firing guns off. #2 the video explains the difference in how difficult it is to handle.

Yeah law #1 is in my neighborhood, but we are a pretty white-asian-middle eastern suburb until them filthy blacks came in from the city. Illegal to shoot a firearm for any reason(I believe) in the town. But if it's so dangerous, why is it legal? etc, brings up different debates, and doesn't focus on the main issue on why this legislation is very silly in some ways