You spew your opinions worse than a bible thumping Jesus freak...

I feel like a lot of the arguments here are akin to brothers punching at each other. Can look a bit nasty from the outside but no real harm intended.

I know Deron has deleted a few of my posts through the years but I haven't been called down much lately. I'm to the point I will say what I'm going to, might be assholey, but I have no interest in arguing about it for ten pages any more. If a few more people here had that mentality we could jab at each other and not completely junk up threads.

That being said, I'll gladly post in a "General Be An Asshole to Each Other" sub forum.
in my experience most of the posts you're referring to are just playground squabbling between established posters who've already shown they can take it and dish it out, so to me it isn't a big deal. it's not like people are bullying newbies or something. it was kind of dickish to take over that new guy's 'school me in metal' thread with a flame war, i'll agree with that, but they weren't flaming the OP - most of these long feisty debates happen in the controversial opinions thread (which is already essentially a thread dedicated to 'conflict') between regulars, and some of them are quite constructive.
Honestly, it's just few people that can't stand if someone states different opinion than they have and have to attack said person and present their opinion as a clear fact. I don't think any thread is gonna change their behaviour so the board has to either live with it or ban some people.
I think the main problem is when the newbie asked for recommendations and Baroque gave his, Yoda was completely dismissive and instead of offering additional suggestions and being constructive (like a professor might do?) he went the 'Why the fuck would you recommend Pantera?' route which is counter productive to the thread. This is what he shouldve done:

1) Gave his recommendations
2) Clicked 'exit' on the browser window
3) Opened his shitty ass Hamm's
4) Turned on Seinfeld
5) Shut the fuck up

Simple concept
in my experience most of the posts you're referring to are just playground squabbling between established posters who've already shown they can take it and dish it out, so to me it isn't a big deal. it's not like people are bullying newbies or something. it was kind of dickish to take over that new guy's 'school me in metal' thread with a flame war, i'll agree with that, but they weren't flaming the OP - most of these long feisty debates happen in the controversial opinions thread (which is already essentially a thread dedicated to 'conflict') between regulars, and some of them are quite constructive.

lol. thats bullshit, you guys shredded me on here.

i was pretty fucking dumb to be honest though
Either an elevated opinion of themselves/their opinion, taking out real life frustration on randoms, they are genuinely an asshole, or I hate to clutter the thread with a picture, but most likely:


Up the moderation if need be. There's definitely a pretty clear line between honest debate and just being hateful/antagonistic. Don't hesitate to delete post/tempban/whatever anyone who is blatantly belligerent. All you can do is foster the positive and delete the negative.

On the topic of forum structure I'd leave it as-is, but if you were going to split it I'd probably do it along the lines of the stricter interpretations of "metal" (ie thrash, death, old school bm, doom) versus the "fru-fru" or experimental genres (prog, folk, atmoblack, industrial, etc.) I'm not hating BTW, I largely prefer the latter over the former, but it would be nice in a way to have this split for more targeted discussion to avoid the "that's not metal" crowd in particular. It would probably unnecessarily divide the community, however, so unless it's a popular idea I'd hold off.
idk when you start to split stuff up too much it gets really annoying when you're unsure where exactly some music fits in. Then you'll start a whole new conflict of whether a particular band/song belongs in one thread or a different one. I like the broader categories. Like if it's progressive death/black/whatever where would it go? What if the progressive influences are minimal? etc... I'm sure you could come up with many examples of bands that aren't clearly either 'traditional' or 'expiremental'
lol. thats bullshit, you guys shredded me on here.

i was pretty fucking dumb to be honest though

the way you were acting you could've joined a barbie doll forum for u11s and you still would've got shredded tbf

personally i'd love if we had separate sub-forums for each sub-genre and a steady stream of new threads within those forums about different bands/news/whatever, the way forums used to be in the good old days. i've always hated the 400 page generalised threads. that's a lil off topic though. i do wonder if a flame forum is a good idea, it might just further escalate tensions between various users that then spill out into the rest of the forum. or maybe it'll have the opposite effect... not sure
Hellride did that and that forum died pretty fast. Metal forums are just stale, I think. All the ones I visited have died. Music releases slow down and then people have some weird communal vibe with everyone else and head into the Social areas.
I like the idea of separate subforums for each main genre and some of the others

This may be an interesting time to pose this question...

Once I get the site converted and moved over, it will serve as a template for a few new sites I want to launch, that are all genre specific. I will still inter-link them from here, and vice versa, but each site would be specific to genres (and branched off from that genre.

So, I'm talking:
UltimateHeavyMetal (Old School) (to cover the Nu genre)

and there are more (including non metal genres).

The idea is that, some of these audiences don't mix very well with others. But, some do perfectly, but could be expanded upon content wise/band forum wise/fest wise etc.

My key is to somehow make it easy that you can share a user name across them all, but that seems to be an elusive holy grail so far (only reason I have not done it sooner). At worse, I would let existing members know first so they could reserve their user names before the sites officially launched.

What are your thoughts on this (whether you would use or not)?
Why not just reserve those URLs and have them redirect to the individual sub-forum ( with it's own splash art at the top, color scheme, etc? That way you can keep the same overall user database that we can easily switch between forums since it's really still just one forum with several skins and the redirect.

That said, it might just splinter things too much. You the more you focus the discussion there will be less people per forum which may eventually result in a ghost town via a negative feedback loop of sorts (whereas something like Orthodox metal vs. Alternative metal or whatever would keep things broad enough)- Unless this is going to be accompanied by a large marketing push to get more people on the site. Who know?