Your Biggest Musical Discoveries in Recent Times

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
i guess it's been a couple of years since this place was regularly contributed to. In the time that's passed, we've all probably had quite a few new musical/band discoveries that we haven't discussed here.

So list your top 3 or 5 (or however many you want).

For me:

1. The Dear Hunter.
Had a couple of their albums (Act 1 and 2) years ago and only gave them a brief listen before shelving them. When Act 4 came out, I heard a lot of good reviews so gave it a listen. I loved it (still do). Then Act 5 came out a year later and I went into full on Deer Hunter obsession mode. I went back and listened to all the Act albums repeatedly, as well as the brilliant Colour Spectrum EP series and the underrated Migrant album. Love them so much that they are firmly in my top tier bands of all time. Really hard to define their style as their songs are all so diverse. There's prof elements, metal elements, indie rock, hard rock, singer song writer vibes, luscious harmonies, and recurring themes and motifs within each album and within the 5 Act storyline. The melodies that this band creates are so spine tingly beautiful, it's hard to put into words. Start with Act 4 and 5 and then move back to Act 1, 2 and 3. This is how I did it and how I suggested it be done to a few friends who have also gotten into them.

2. Billy Joel
Seriously, where dafuq have I been living?! Of course I knew all of his hits (and there are at least 20 of them), but I had never deep dived into his albums. Absolute genius in pop song writing. The Stranger, Turnstiles, 52 Street, Glass Houses and An Innocent Man are just perfect albums from start to finish. Honestly (no pun intended), how had I not heard Angry Young Man until recently? Shame on me. That is a prog rock pop masterpiece!

3. Jellyfish
Power pop band from the early 90's who only put out 2 albums, but they are amazing. Brilliant song writing with melodies and harmonies to die for. Part Weezer, part Queen, part Beach Boys. I recently got my band mate into them and his comments were "it's like Jack White fronting Split Enz playing Ben Folds songs". Pretty apt. Catchy and hooky as hell. Here's 2 songs:

4. Inglorious
I reckon most of you here would like this band. They are a modern Whitesnake/Purple sound. Singer has incredible chops. Saw them open for the winery dogs in London and was hooked from the first song. They also did a cover of Rainbows "I Surrender" which killed and sealed the deal for me. They only have one album to date with a second due in May. Check out 2 songs below:

Actually one more... this is a new song. Very riffy and Whitesnake-ish

Hundreds! Some were new to me but probably not to most of you.

I got very into Opeth in 2008 thanks to a young lady who since disappeared from my life without a trace, so I have to be very careful with them and the phantom memories they summon.

More recently I've been introduced to Porcupine Tree, Riverside, Katatonia and my current bandcrush Threshold, who've been around in one form or another since the early 90s. They can't seem to hold onto a singer though. A chap called Damian Wilson sang on four of their studio records and one live album. I mention him because he was invited to audition for Maiden after Bruce left in '93 and didn't get the gig. He should have.

Wrap your lug'oles around this lot.


Black Rheno from Sydney are good.

A band from the U.S. by the name of The Ongoing Concept caught my attention last year.

The opportunities currently afforded to me by Goreripper reviewing albums for Loud Mag have me looking into all kinds of things, some stick, some don't, I am now trying to think of some of the stuff I have heard recently that was different but has a positive affect on me. I bet there is a heap that just I can't think of right now.
I've really gotten into stoner and blues rock in the last couple of years, especially stuff from Scandinavia like Blues Pills, Kamchatka and Vintage Caravan. They're probably my favourite three, but there are an absolute buttload of others.
Good thread! I intend to watch all the videos in this thread to enlighten myself. I already watched at least one of the Threshold videos after Wrathy posted it in another thread. Sounds like a good band!
I just started checking out Animals As Leaders after hearing Steve Vai talk about their guitarist in a podcast. Pretty impressive. Does anyone else listen to them?
Animals as Leaders, Black Rheno and Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats are all bands mentioned in this thread that I enjoyed live. Never did get into listening to them at home though.

Anyway, here's some...

Narcotic Tonsils is a great Kiwi band that reminds me of Cosmic Psychos:

Exit Sign is one of my fav new bands in Auckland but they've only released 1 single so far: