Your equipment.

Ibanez RG7620 with 81-7 in neck and 707 in the bridge (just got them, love them to death! the stock pickups sucked)
Peavey Triple XXX
Behringer BG412s (sch!)
Rocktron Intellifex
PowerMac G5 Dual 2,0 core, 3GB ram. (yes, it's a musictool).

The have-to-buy-soon-list:
Tube Screamer.
Krank or ENGL head (pref. both ( yeah right, like I'll afford it))
Decimator ProRackG
Some switching unit for the FXs
Mixer for the FXs
MFC5 midi pedalboard
M-Audio 1814 soundcard
Another 7-stringed Ibanez.
ESP Eclipse I CTM
ESP Viper Std
Warmoth custom V
Ibanez 7621 w/ EMGs
Dean TC V (USA)
Dean ML 1983 model

Peavey 5150
Randall XL cab with V30s
ISP Decimator
BBE 482i
Maxon OD-820
Schecter Blackjack 7 (with stock Seymour Duncan JB-7/59-7 set) tuned to Bb
Dean ML-XT (with Super Distortion bridge pickup) goes between D and C#

Melted Roland Cube 30 (10" speaker on 30 watt digital combo + 7 string = very unhappy 10" speaker on 30 watt digital combo)
Crate XT120 (makes me wonder why people here hate Crate amps without even having heard their new stuff)

Modded Ibanez TS-7 (TS808 specs + fat boost)
Modded Ibanez SM-7 (more body, more usable gain)
Modded Boss DS-1 (massive boost, very low clipping)
Danelectro Fab Metal
Modded Morley PWV-II optical volume/wah

On the must-buy list:
Peavey XXX
Oversize Mesa cab with V30s
Iso box for aforementioned Peavey XXX and Mesa cab

Seedawakener said:
Rich, that is fucking sweet.
I might seem like a real noob, but I see you have both A few Ibanezs and a hellraiser. Really how does a Ibanez 7string feel because I tried the rg 1527 and the hellraiser feels so much better. Really, what is the thing about ibanez sevens?

I've had the Ibanez 7's for a few years now and only recently bought the Hellraiser. Ibanez 7's are ok....I do prefer the black and green one to be honest, but I've been using the Hellraiser for everything now and do prefer it to the Universes (at the moment at any rate!). :rock:
Rich - Rannoch said:
I've had the Ibanez 7's for a few years now and only recently bought the Hellraiser. Ibanez 7's are ok....I do prefer the black and green one to be honest, but I've been using the Hellraiser for everything now and do prefer it to the Universes (at the moment at any rate!). :rock:

Really now?

See, I've been thinking of purchasing a hellraiser, but I typically do not like the way that schecters play. How's the action/neck feel in comparison to your ibanez's? A little thicker/tighter?
Universe necks have a quite a shallow profile. The Hellraiser neck is thicker (kind of similar to a Les Paul in feel) and has a longer scale length (the strings will feel a little tighter) but I find it a comfortable guitar to play. Good p-ups (707's), hardware and good build quality. They're also considerably cheaper than Ibanez 7's too!
Yeah, with all the money you're spending on one of those Ibanez guitars as far as set up and decent electronics it's pretty easy to see why you hear them called Ibenhad's every other place you go. A friend of mine is a bit too loyal to Ibanez and wound up getting an RG321 after his main guitar got stolen - I would have at least tried to make one of those play and sound good, but I'd be changing the tuners, the nut, the fretwork, the neck joint, the bridge, the pickups, the wiring... hell, probably the neck and body as well. The same amount he spent got me a much better Dean and a new bridge pickup for it, and it slays. It's only a matter of time before some company does to Ibanez what Ibanez did to Fender and Gibson (stealing business away with much better product, leaving them names but much weaker reputations).

If I had pictures, I'd post em...

77 Fender Strat
99 Ibanez RG3120 Prestige
02 Heritage H157 custom shop
7x Epiphone acoustic

02 ENGL SE (EL34)
00 Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
?? Fender Studio Pro bullshit

Behringer FCB1010
TC Electronic G Major
Teese RMC3
Boss RC20
Boss DD5
FAT Multiscream
Fulltone Fulldrive 2
Ernie Ball Volume
Boss NS2

I just put together a little practice room in the empty room in our house... Guitar->Pod->RC20->amp... add a music stand, and its the best practice rig ever!
have a a few guitars but my main axe right now is my ibanez rg with a pair of dimarzio's thrown in it.

and i currently only have a crappy marshall practice amp but im saving for a mesa.
Schecter C-7 Hellraiser (Black)
Jackson Performer RR
Line 6 Pod XT Bean
Digitech MT-2 Metalzone
Crate GFX-30
Peterson Strobostomp Tuner

God I need a new amp so badly...I've had this piece of shit crate for 8 years and I'm going off to colelge this fall so that's why I got the pod
here are some pics of my guitars and my amp. they are not many but I love the 2 that I have.



Rich, If you ever want to sell the H-307, just say the word and i will buy it from you, shipping too.

I've been looking for one for AGES.
Rich - Rannoch said:
Universe necks have a quite a shallow profile. The Hellraiser neck is thicker (kind of similar to a Les Paul in feel) and has a longer scale length (the strings will feel a little tighter) but I find it a comfortable guitar to play. Good p-ups (707's), hardware and good build quality. They're also considerably cheaper than Ibanez 7's too!

I've really been thinking seriously about buying one just given the price, and the building materials and hardware it comes with (mahogany, neck thru, gotoh, 707's) but I've played very few schecters that have been to my liking. In fact, I played a C-1 and I didn't like it at all, but I felt that with some bridge tweaking and hotter pickups it would have been a much better guitar. I think I may just have to test out Guitar Center's 30 day return policy on this one :lol: For me, I love higher end Ibanez's, and mid to high range ESP, so Schecter may just make em a bit thick for me. We'll see I guess - just gotta get my hands on one!
I've found the 7-string Schecter necks much more to my liking than the 6-string varieties. The 6 string ones feel like my old Epiphone SG, the 7-string one just feels nice. The thickness is great to match the width of the neck.
eh i dont have such a great amp but here it goes...

Amp: Fender Cyber-Twin
Guitars: Fender Stratocaster/Shecktor C-7 Hellraiser/Ibanez RG 270 DX
Effects: Pod XT Live

when i get a better salary, ill get a new amp :D