Your equipment.


Ibanez GRX20L
Epiphone SG 310 Left Handed

(when it comes to guitars, I buy as cheap as possible, because Left Handed models are usually REALLY expensive.)


I'm in the market...
but for now its a shitty 40watt Kustom


Ibanez: SM7, PH7, CF7, TS7 & WD7
Boss: Compressor, Delay, ME-30 processor

Uh yea... well I've been building up a pedal board slowly, while saving up for a new amp, and even slower, a new guitar. haha.
Eaeolian- That custom Jackson 7 is awesome. I like the SLS headstock. Which Duncans are in there?
eaeolian said:
Thanks - that 'stock is much easier to handle than the pointy 7. It's got a JB and Jazz. I'm toying with the idea of getting some Bareknuckles, though...

You've still gotta let me play that piece dude ;)
Epiphone Mini V

Fender Squier Bullet

Bronze BC Rich Warlock

Yamaha Nylon

BC Rich N7 Warlock

BC Rich Platinum Beast

BC Rich 7 string Warlock that may or may not look familiar

Axtra Custom Stylus that was used to record Dreaming Neon Black
damn will, nice guitars. Have fun with them, especially the one used to record DNB.
Your post motivated to get a job at a deli too to get some more guitars :lol:
btw which one is your favorite in terms of playing it?
Jackson RR1 - Emg 81/85, Original Floyd Rose
Unknown Les Paul Copy - Emg 81/85
Aria Sandpiper Acoustic

Krank Krankenstein
Fender Frontman Reverb 15w

Marshall 1960A

MXR Zakk Wylde Overdrive
MXR Kerry King 10 Band EQ
Boss Metal Zone (don't use)
Digitech RP200A (don't use)
Will, I've been thinking about getting a Platinum Beast, throwing in some EMGs and leaving it in C# or C. Would you recommend one of those or just save the money for a more expensive one?

I have to agree about the BCs being great guitars, and I can't see how you can look at those tiny little Ibanez bodies and call a chunk of wood the size of those BC Rich guitars 'toothpicks'. I've eaten burgers thicker than those bloody RGs, and you can bludgeon a room full of people half to death with a Warlock (and from what I've heard about their mid- and high-end guitars you'll still be in tune and set up right).

I'd choose Ibanez over a BC rich. BC Rich make some really shitty low-end guitars, whereas Ibanez's stuff is always good. When I first sought out to buy new guitar, and since I'm always stuck with either far low-end, or very high-end due to playing left handed, I found Ibanez to be the better overall brand.

Thats just my $0.02.

However just to clarify, I'm not saying BC Rich sucks... I'm saying Ibanez is better for the buck.
JBroll said:
Will, I've been thinking about getting a Platinum Beast, throwing in some EMGs and leaving it in C# or C. Would you recommend one of those or just save the money for a more expensive one?

I'd say go for it! Mine's a platinum with an EMG that i leave in D
Have you tried the ones that have the new neck joint (Invisibolt, I believe it's called)? I've been thinking about just getting one of those as the way the neck is kept in the body pretty much seems like the best of all worlds and then some and is a beast to play. Just curious.

Ibanez RG1570 Prestige loaded with DiMarzio pickups (Steve's Special-Air Norton)
Engl Powerball + Engl Vintage 30 cab. Would love to try some Greenbacks, though.