Your favorite Smoke?

Not so much any more dude, there are a SHIT TON of resturants now that have $7 to $10 menus. I love it here other then the the blistering 23097612409716673420965230794620394623948 degree heat in the summer

Yeah the heat was extreme, but its the opposite of the east coast where everyone can't wait for Summer. I found that in Vegas everyone looks forward to Spring and Fall.

I also didn't like the bugs, found a scorpion and a wolf spider in my house--scorpion was a bitch to kill. Plus I dont speak spanish and have no desire to learn it. Other than that I liked it, and i bet if I were single I would have loved being there
Not so much any more dude, there are a SHIT TON of resturants now that have $7 to $10 menus. I love it here other then the the blistering 23097612409716673420965230794620394623948 degree heat in the summer

Yeah dude, this summer in Vegas has been fucking BRUTAL. Here we are rolling through September and its still 100 degrees outside. I'd move back to Salt Lake City in a shit-hot second if I had the chance to and I'm not even Mormon! Salt Lake is actually an amazing place to live.

Back on topic, I was always a straight up Camel guy when I used to smoke back in the day. When I was in college for my first degree I used to smoke Chesterfields and Lucky Strikes.....................Jesus.
Quit smoking 2 years ago. ...Took the money & bought a vintage 1982 U87.

Camel Wides. Luckily I live 15 min from an Indian Reservation where they cant enforce the $4.50 combined city and state tax tacked on per pack.

Fucking ridiculous

but I have really weird smoking habits 2 months smoking, 3 months off and so on
dont really smoke if I dont go out, but always get a pack when I'm at a pub or at parties.
I hate that habit of mine and that I don't want to quit it enough though.
Used to smoke Camel Lights (or blue now) but , i got sick of the Fire Safe Cigarette (FSC) additives on the papers. You know, the reason your smokes go out if you don't hit em.

Do you fellas accross the pond have those? They will say FSC on the bar code area.

Anyways I switched to shop rolled smokes. Pick you tobacco and tube grade, dock them in to a machine with pneumatic cylinders and press the "ok" button. 10 minutes later you have a carton of non FSC smokes for $23.

Marlboro Red 100s. I spend give or take $150 a month (a pack every day, max every two days - anywhere from $7.50 to $8.00/pack depending where I go.)