Your Favorite Viking/Folk Metal Band

Wanted to share this band that I've been listening to for some time now, and am really starting to dig. Very epic, awesome symphonic folk/viking metal. They're called Fjoergyn:

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Viking metal itself cannot be clean genre - musically it has to be influenced by some other genre, usually either black or death metal. What makes such bands VIKING metal rather than black/death/wherever_they_belong_musically are exactly their lyrics. Therefore, while Amon Amarth are musically death metal, due to their lyrics they are a Viking metal band as well :P

Anyway, my list:
Black Messiah
Amon Amarth

I find it kind of funny how people put Celtic and Nordic folk together, because they're, thematically, two completely opposite things and represent two completely different world views... or at least they're supposed to be because we have to face it that a lot of folk bands don't even know the true background and meaning of the myths and stuff they sing about.
Kampfar's new album - Heimgang - is amazing IMO. Black metal with viking feel (the riffage and the vocals are incredible!)

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Amon Amarth

I find it odd that some people are claiming that Amon Amarth does not fit this category. They are not folk metal, but they ARE viking metal. Plus their live show simply cannot be beat, save by Emperor.
I find it odd that some people are claiming that Amon Amarth does not fit this category. They are not folk metal, but they ARE viking metal.

They're melodic death metal. Vocals don't determine genre.

Listen to viking/folk metal bands like Einherjer, Thyrfing, Ancient Rites, Enslaved, etc. You'll find that the musical styles differ greatly from Amon Amarth's style.
I don't actually know which of these bands are viking metal:

Heavy Load have 2 or 3 songs about vikings and they are a swedish band, not the same style of music at all though
Tyr is, but I actually don't care for them. Ensiferum plays a kind of viking metal, but it's more like extreme folk/power. Battlelore aren't viking metal.
Kampfar's new album - Heimgang - is amazing IMO. Black metal with viking feel (the riffage and the vocals are incredible!)
I just recently discovered these guys. I'm probably going to pick up Kvass some time. The samples I heard were excellent.

Tyr is cool, but they should really cut back on the English and do more songs in Faroese. The couple they have are incredible, while their English songs are usually only OK.
Alestorm rules, but isn't Viking. Captain Morgans Revenge is my current favorite drinking album.