Your impressions about The Never Ending Way Of ORwarriOR.

I just realized something today while sitting in a bus, my name - Ananth - means The Never Ending :D

No, coincidence just isn't fun to accept, so I don't either. The Never Ending Ananth: Dude--you're eternal. Can you spot me a few extra decades just in case I use up those lives I mentioned way back in the day :heh: I believe, November?

Hail Anath, for He Shall Reign. Over What, dude?

Man, what a day. Cool to see something on the board, especially from the Never Ending One.

My 2-cents? OL-Disciples MUST give you special status--IDK what--but it should. After all, our fearless leader Nathalie herself said that, to paraphrase in Missourian, "there ain't no such thang as happenstance." Praise the Lord...or the Lard :muahaha: Nah, I'm vegetarian. So Praise the Ananth. Darn raght, y'all. Don't argue theology with me. End of story, for I have spoken!

Google says Ananth means "infinite", Anton means "noble" (alternatively, "opposing everything"), and Nathalie means "native" :)

And Yannick means "god's grace".

Anton, our undisputed Orphaned scholar-in-residence, has spoken decisively. Wow! It fits: Nathalie really is native, in the sense that she has an uncanny ability, at least online, to fit in like she belongs in the midst of jest 'bout anythang, even in the midst of weird stuff; we cough up some weird sh** kids, c'mon. God's Grace--Yannick?! That's heavy stuff, bro.' Folks must've been thrilled to meet ya! Oh, yeah, and Anton is noble in a nonconformist/iconoclastic way--definitely. Me, well, my full name means "praise," "[he] praised" and so on. Yeah, same name as Slovak, RIP. Oh, the original RHCP....:waah: As for Ananth being infinite, well, are y'all too blind to see the Way?

Ananth is joining my pantheon of Deities. Anton, do you wish to join my Order of the Knights of the Triangular Table? Yannick, dude, bless us all! Nathalie, please keep up your work keeping us from being total babies and such.


And don't worry about the artist getting not getting any credit. This is someone who already had his own scene. But the lecture on this artist I will save for another day.


You're being a major tease. Yannick, can you talk to her about this? Yeah, I understand.

after several listening sessions, i can say that that ORwarriOR is their best work so far...ORWOR is more solid, well balanced...and, yes, a bit heavier: The Path #2 reminds me the Sahara era with an ending part in perfect Schuldiner style!

Your review just made me slap my B-string (bass, eh?) so hard it hurts so damn good!

Hoowoohoo! Rocking in 2010 with Orphaned Land. Thanks.

just received another review from nuclear blast today, it´s in german, but i will try to translate it later if i have enough time:

"Ethno Metal
78:22 Min
Brückenschlag zwischen Orient und Okzident
In der metallischen Musiklandschaft waren ORPHANED LAND von Beginn an herausragend und außergewöhnlich: harsche Rhythmen mit der Folklore des Mittleren Ostens zu verquicken ist nun einmal alles andere als alltäglich. Hinzu kommt die bewusste Auseinandersetzung der Israelis mit den politischen und religiösen Konflikten ihrer Heimat, die auf dem jüngsten Langspieler in ein ausgeklügeltes Konzept verpackt werden. Gemixt von PORCUPINE TREE-Frontmann Steven Wilson, markiert »The Never Ending Way Of ORWarriOR« definitiv einen neuen Höhepunkt im bisherigen Werk des Gespanns. Anspruchsvoll in Thematik und Arrangements, für die mit mehreren Gastmusikern und dem Nazareth Arabian Orchestra kooperiert wurde, tritt dieses Mal allerdings die Eingängigkeit bisherigen Materials in den Hintergrund. Stattdessen entfalten sich Kompositionen voll komplexer Schönheit und arabischer Authentizität, die zum lockeren Nebenbeihören viel zu schade sind, dementsprechend aber selbst nach einigen Durchgängen noch neue Facetten offenbaren und in - für westeuropäische Ohren - faszinierend fremdländische Sphären entführen. Ein echtes Gesamtkunstwerk mit Tiefgang.
Daniela Sickinger"
Thank you for the links Chephren, I have put them in the right thread (ORwarriOr in the media)
It is not to the word, neither perfect, but here is the translation of above post.

Building bridges between Orient and Occident
From the start Orphaned Land were outstanding and exceptional in the metallic musical landscape: mixing hard rhythms with the folklore of the Middle East is anything but ordinary after all. In addition to that comes the conscious confrontation of the Israelis with the political and religious conflicts of their homeland, which comes in the shape of a sophisticated concept on this latest album. Mixed by PORCUPINE TREE frontman Steven Wilson, "The Never Ending Way Of ORWarriOR" definitely marks a new highlight in the work of the team. Ambitious in theme and arrangements, for which they cooperated with several guest musicians and the Nazareth Arabian Orchestra, it overshades the previous catchy material. Instead, enfold more complex compositions full of beauty and Arabic authenticity, which are far too good to reveal themselves on a quick listen, and accordingly still offers facets to discover after a couple of spins. It takes -Western European ears - to fascinating foreign spheres. A true work of art with depth.

Could you keep an eye out for written German magazines as well please?
HA! there is no such thing as coincidence in this world.

Or so, I'm soon beginning to believe :D

No, coincidence just isn't fun to accept, so I don't either. The Never Ending Ananth: Dude--you're eternal. Can you spot me a few extra decades just in case I use up those lives I mentioned way back in the day :heh: I believe, November?

Nah, I'm vegetarian. Don't argue theology with me. End of story, for I have spoken!


@ The theology thing, each to his own IMO, I'm not high on religious matters despite being of the view that I know a thing or two about them. I'm with you on the vegetarian thing, and I know that so is Anton and Nathalie, that's amazing dontcha think? OL can claim to have one of the highest green/ethical- whatever-your-reason-might-be per capita veggies amongst their fanbase :D

Hillzebub?! Our resident psycho-analytical LOL-inducing hillbilly bugger boy
has an uncanny ability of being able to put in so much effort into each and every post, worthy of what his name means.

A mild change, but + 1 on Anton being a Scholar, not just on our favourite band. Almost all conversations with him has been insightful and he has introduced me to one of my current favourite artists, the Joubran brothers.

Older regulars who slip by here must wonder what the hell's happening here :D
And at Yannick, the bus did reach its destination, eventually :D Which implies that it took an hour for a 10 km journey, which speaks a lot about the terrible traffic snarls in my city.
REVOLUTION- that's what. Personally I can say I'm happy that you guys have come along and put some new spirit in the forum.

On the green thingy. Ollo-San or Olivier actually has an assiciation called URIGREEN that strives to raise peoples awareness on the enviroment. They do excellent work at the Hellfest festival.
Thank you for the links Chephren, I have put them in the right thread (ORwarriOr in the media)

Could you keep an eye out for written German magazines as well please?

Yes, Madam, I will!
At the moment, I only know that there is a short article in the Legacy magazine. I´ll check out the metal hammer magazine and the nuclear blast magazine as well.
Furthermore, a new interview with OL will be released soon hopefully (as it says on!
To those celebrating the christian new year : happy new year!
To the others : be patient we will all celebrate something very exciting on 2010.25.01!

Regarding to the song "Sapari" and the previews of "A heaven you may create" what else can I say than it's been a long time and it's good to hear you again! Can't wait to hold the Cd in my hands! :hotjump:

To Morticia : thanks a lot for mentioning Urigreen here!!! :worship:
We've been working hard to show people how we feel involved in the protection of our planet during the Hellfest over the last years. And hell (heaven) yeah, OL's spirit flies by our sides every time we're present on a festival. There's something special with OL's in our family too : ever heard about Ollo and Yossi "particular relationship"...? :D
We've been working hard to show people how we feel involved in the protection of our planet during the Hellfest over the last years. And hell (heaven) yeah, OL's spirit flies by our sides every time we're present on a festival.

I bet it would help a lot to have your text in English as well. Not everyone can read French and your message is lost on those people :confused:
Or you think the French need education on the enviroment the most?:grin: