Your last purchase??

Manowar makes me want to power chuck

Never liked em' much either.....
I remember when their first album came out, I think it was 1982, and I thought "This is gay..." 25 years later, I still don't like them. I think I actually got into a fistfight with a friend over them back in 82.....pretty stupid....

I can handle a little cheese, Rhapsody is more of a sharp cheddar, where Manowar is more like limburger.....
Never liked em' much either.....
I remember when their first album came out, I think it was 1982, and I thought "This is gay..." 25 years later, I still don't like them. I think I actually got into a fistfight with a friend over them back in 82.....pretty stupid....

I can handle a little cheese, Rhapsody is more of a sharp cheddar, where Manowar is more like limburger.....

I saw them back in 82 or 83...furry loincloths and fuzzy boots!!! I don't dig 'em either.
They have their time and place. I hated them for a long time, then i heard a few songs that i really like. With manowar, it's rarely a full album that is good. it's more like 3 or 4 strong songs and a shitload of cheesy filler.

Oh yeah, more classic stuff that i didn't own (shitty me :sad: )
Slayer - Reign in Blood
Slayer - South of Heaven
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Never liked em' much either.....
I remember when their first album came out, I think it was 1982, and I thought "This is gay..." 25 years later, I still don't like them. I think I actually got into a fistfight with a friend over them back in 82.....pretty stupid....

I can handle a little cheese, Rhapsody is more of a sharp cheddar, where Manowar is more like limburger.....

Limburger? Is that like a burger with me in it? </crappy joke>

Dude, Manowar fans are so fucking annoying. Always bleating on about how great they are, I even know a guy who refers to himself as a "Manowarrior"
You've incurred my wrath. Several of the other albums I snagged for $2 or less were perfect condition Yes records.

Whats wrong with Yes? I have a journey album somewhere...but I think that was one of those christmas gifts that old people get you...and you pretend you like it, and play it when theyre around but hide it when they leave. lol