Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Guitarhack takes retarded good care of his gear. In fact it's the first time I've been convinced that I'm the one more likely to cause permanent damage rather than the person I'm buying from.

Just A/B'd both cabs. Harley Benton does a damned good job for the price, I'm still convinced of that, but it doesn't match up to the Oversize. So if all goes well, Harry should be the happy new owner of the HB, and I'll have some spare change which to invest in paying off the air conditioning being installed here, haha.

@Ben: It really wasn't my intention to catch the chunk in the pic at all, but all the other ones came out blurry as all hell. This room definitely isn't ready for the public eye, so to speak, but the function, all things considered, is quite amazing.

Thanks guys.
A gooood day! :D

Niiiice^^ Congrats!

Looks almoust like my last big new gear day. Same Headphones, Audix D6 and two Audient ASP008s^^

Is it a ASP008? Or a Sumo?
ASP008 is awesome. I use the variable HPF on everything, nice to have everything clean coming in. Cool purchases! :kickass:
hehe...i hooked it up...couldn't resist :)

I recorded only a few DI tracks with the guitar so i could hear the signal... and i A/B 'd it with digi002 ... what a difference! .. the audient is very f'ing clear ... the digi is muffled and lacks on attack! ... love it for now! :)
didnt fancy getting the DP5-a set then? comes with an i5 too, and drum clips etc

cool buys man!

I didn't need the i5 and the drum mic mounts ... so i saved a little money there and bought the oktava mk012...have to try them out on my acoustic guitar!

I'm playing now on the LeXTC ampsim through the instrument in on the ASP008 ... what a difference! \m/ feeling very metal right now! :headbang:
I don't think they differ much. I'll know soon enough when I can A/B them.

Speaking of deals...I just signed a lease on a place for my studio. $500 per month for 2500 square feet. Top that shit. :lol: I'll be posting a studio construction thread soon.

Dude you've gotta A/B those things! Lucky to have a 160A. Been wanting one of those things for ages now! Slammin drums and bass.

'grats on the new place too. Sounds like quite a deal there.