Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Dude, that's fucking cheap for a place that big, I wanna move to New England lol.

Most places around the area are $5-12psf/year....I was just lucky enough to find a place that has been empty for about 7 years with a landlord that's desperate enough to rent it at $2.40 psf.

Dude you've gotta A/B those things! Lucky to have a 160A. Been wanting one of those things for ages now! Slammin drums and bass.

'grats on the new place too. Sounds like quite a deal there.

Send me some tracks you'd like 160'd and I'll run 'em through both to compare. Thanks! I'm really excited to get started working on the place.
It's been a busy week and a half!






Oh and this :D


jackson dkmgt upgrade. bought it used, and it was in a not-so-great condition....old, rusty strings (and only 5 of them), awful setup etc....2hrs later it sounds and plays great, though! really nice guitar!
....finally i'm back in the jackson camp :headbang:

fyi, here's a quick comparison of it and my old main guitar, dean vendetta 4 with dimarzio tonezone in the bridge. (jackson is emg loaded btw, 81/85 combo). just the gtrs, ampsim was tse 30x -> catharsis spreshigh, everything set flat iirc. vergleich 1 dean 2 jackson.wav

Just got the head, which rounds off the cab. Big thanks to GuitarHack. I'll make sure your legacy lives on bro! :kickass:

I also want a Mesa cab buhu. The Engl cab that i have slays the Harley Benton cab. The engl is very open and you got that pro-sound. The harley is as you said, great for the price, but it is a little boxy but perfect for rehearsals :)
I'll be interested to hear what you think of that when it arrives dude!
O yes! I'll post clips, I tried it 5 years ago, and i was really impressed by the fat sound of it, the clean was also superb.
I think it's good to emulate some tool sound......
The song is kinda emo/pop metal, but it have allot of different elements, allot of toms, clean guitars and both clean and growls :)
I''ve been a member for a long time, and before that i've lurked around for a while. So i think its about time to give something back, especially now when i got good gear. Gonna post some drum samples also :)