Your latest G.A.S. purchases

It often makes sense to monitor the input signal or send it directly to the output. This can be done at zero latency using TotalMix

Directly from the manual, I see what you're saying, but they've obviously found some way around that conundrum, having used it with vocals I wouldnt have any doubts that it was anything but zero latency.
Ermz: I thought you where tracking some place else and only mixing at your place. So are all these inputs just for using outboard in your mixes?

Precisely! If I had no outboard I would not need anything more than 1 in and 2 outs for my monitors.

Just to clarify: the RayDAT has 36 ins and 36 outs. 4 x ADAT ports which is what I'll be using in conjunction with external converter boxes.

As Owen alluded, the amazing thing about this set-up is that it's entirely modular, so you can have the best gear for your purposes at every part of the chain. It's basically the antithesis to PTHD, where you throw away half the hardware you're burning money for.

Even without the TotalMix routing for zero-latency monitoring the RayDAT is a PCIe interface, so like my current HDSPe/Multiface combo it goes down to a buffer of 32ms when tracking. That's 0.7ms. Good luck picking any latency there!
Even without the TotalMix routing for zero-latency monitoring the RayDAT is a PCIe interface, so like my current HDSPe/Multiface combo it goes down to a buffer of 32ms when tracking. That's 0.7ms. Good luck picking any latency there!
What's wrong with that, why are you upgrading? Too little ins/out already? :Spin:
@ Ermz: I got the Dell U2711 from Amazon. Some dude has been selling them and I decided to give it a shot. I dig it.
Although - it's replacing my smaller CineDisplay - which would've looked really good sitting in my room!
Congrats on the purchase, Sir!


Real cymbals here I come!
NT5s? Very nice bro, I've used those on more projects than I can count. A little brittle tone-wise, but for the money they do ace.

@Waterboy: That's great! If it weren't for this deal being so irresistible I definitely would've held out for the 27 or 30". It's no matter though, I wasn't particularly limited as is, and it's not like there's an abundance of space in this room! haha. Glad you're enjoying yours.

@Headcrusher: Well the Multiface only has one set of ADAT I/Os, which means I'm capped at 16 channels, 8 of which are mediocre Multiface quality. I'd rather have dedicated converters if my mixes are going to get more and more outboard-centric! It's a lot of money to pay for relatively little improvement... but it's worth it to me.

So anyway just so you know ahead of time, my HDSPe card and Multiface will be up for sale shortly!
NT5s? Very nice bro, I've used those on more projects than I can count. A little brittle tone-wise, but for the money they do ace.

Yer, I have heard that, but as you say for the price their great, used them at college a fair bit and I like how they sound!

I was super tempted to get a matched pair of KM184's that was on Gumtree a while ago for only £600, but I couldn't justify spending that much at the moment!
Bit of an impulse buy tbh and, I'm not really needing these at all. However, I got the pair of them for £50.






This is the first console I've owned since the original PSX. I came off them after I realized the PC was a superior platform. Thinking I was perhaps too judgmental and in looking for more fun games to share multiplayer experiences with friends, we thought to buy an Xbox and see what great single/split screen fun there was to be had.

Turns out most games on the Xbox require a network connection and multiple units to play co-op, so not only is this thing a brick, but it's one that is vastly noisier, underpowered and less convenient than all our PCs.

Consoles suck, what is wrong with the present gaming scene, and why do they even exist, much less make up a majority of the market share?