Your latest G.A.S. purchases


Westone ES49 with 15dB filters. $180 including audiologist visit / ear impressions.

They feel great, and the flat attenuation thing is awesome. I'll see how things go at my band's performance this weekend.

Next on the list (somewhere) ear monitors! :kickass:

Let us know what they are like. I had a pair, not this brand, and I lost one. They used to annoy me as they weren't anywhere near as flat as they claimed. A lot more expensive than this too.
Westone ES49 with 15dB filters. $180 including audiologist visit / ear impressions.

They feel great, and the flat attenuation thing is awesome. I'll see how things go at my band's performance this weekend.

Next on the list (somewhere) ear monitors! :kickass:

One of the best musical-related purchases you'll ever make. Guaranteed.
Just purchased one of these, it's gonna arrive some time next week....


Telefunken V672!!

Wow looks nice. Do you also get the rack with the modules? I would also be interested in this kind of rack - any chance you can buy it separatley? Is it DIY or did you get it from a shop?
Wow looks nice. Do you also get the rack with the modules? I would also be interested in this kind of rack - any chance you can buy it separatley? Is it DIY or did you get it from a shop?

What I got is actually one of the two units in the pic, already racked.
You won't find the rack alone, this one was made by a guy here in Italy who bought the modules and made it by himself...

By the way, the first knob is for gain, the second for variable impedance... sweet!! And the switches are pad, phantom and phase.
Well, the earplugs worked amazingly. I could hear everything with total clarity (which was also helped with a good system and engineer).

I didn't feel the urge to rip them out at any point, which was always the case with regular earplugs. Highly recommended!
-Some drum head (emperor x coat dot and aquarian HE for snare, clear emperor for tom) for an upcoming drum sesion.
-an other SM57
-Radial J48