Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Nice, love my faded Explorer. Been meaning to pick up another Les Paul myself...
There were a few caps and resistors out of stock, but I've already found them on digikey. Thanks though. I think the only thing that hasn't come in yet is one of the pots, but it's in the mail. I spent a few hours yesterday stuffing all the PCBs so now all I really have to do is assemble the chassis and do some wiring between the different components.

I really wish I would have read this before I started stuffing the board: I got all my stuff and got excited like JoJo, the little Indian boy. I just hope I don't wind up killing my pretty new pet.

Sure you already know, but if im preaching to the choir, here's some tips for the benefit of others.. based on what works for me....

When populating the board, work from the smallest components to the largest..
I.e stuff the diodes.
stuff the resistors.
Stuff the chip holders
Stuff the capacitors

Much easier to work round things this way, and theres no fiddling trying to fit tiny components in tiny gaps.

Also, if you buy 2 boards, use an elastic band and attach the second board to the first once you've populated it so that when you flip it over all the components don't fall out and you don't have to bend the legs to hold them in, which can make soldering more difficult

Have Fun!
Sure you already know, but if im preaching to the choir, here's some tips for the benefit of others.. based on what works for me....

When populating the board, work from the smallest components to the largest..
I.e stuff the diodes.
stuff the resistors.
Stuff the chip holders
Stuff the capacitors

Much easier to work round things this way, and theres no fiddling trying to fit tiny components in tiny gaps.

Also, if you buy 2 boards, use an elastic band and attach the second board to the first once you've populated it so that when you flip it over all the components don't fall out and you don't have to bend the legs to hold them in, which can make soldering more difficult

Have Fun!

Flip the diodes and resistors and that's exactly what I did. I think it took me about 4-5 hours to get everything in the right spots and solder it down, but it would have been less. I spent about 30-45 minutes trying to figure out why the main PCB came with an extra little board. I guess its the attack/release/ratio board to use if you don't get the Hairball case with the Mnats PCB. I was confused as hell.

Now I'm waiting on the "zero adjust" pot to get in, then I need to get a 5W resistor to put in line with the meter lamp to act as a fixed dimmer and get some extra rolls of wire. Then alls I need to do is connect the transformers, switches and attack/release pots, calibrate and I'm done. I'd estimate it's another 5 hours worth of work to get it up and running.

AKG K240 MKii, my first pair of decent cans... blow my crap Sony MDR-V300 out of the water (was all I could afford for a few years).

Now, I can actually hear what's going on with these... very nice to track with as well...some isolation, but not too much. Very comfy.
Well not exactly a purchase, because I got it for free, but:


It´s a hand-woven persian carpet for my control room. It´s 2,9 x 2,5 meters big and was very expensive when it was bought by the former owners... looks extremely nice
It's kinda like another operating system.
The main reason I use it is because of the DSP Manager (Equalizer), which I use in conjunction with Spotify. Other than that you are able to control almost everything in the phone.

Oh right, so you can tweak the overall sounds much more than the stock OS can? This is a HUGE step up in phone for spotify on the go sounds great! :hotjump:
The SSD EX expansion pack at audiomidi, along Mastering Audio: The art and the science by Bob Katz.

And I still have major G.A.S for a new amp... I fear I may be penniless by next week aha.
^Bob Katz' book is truly amazing. I've only read the first 40 pages because I have an important exam tomorrow but I already love it.
I also bought "the recording engineer's handbook" by Bobby Owsinski because I enjoyed "the mixing engineer's handbook". Haven't looked into it yet, though.
I paid for next day delivery solely because of the reviews aha, well that and the fact I know fuck all about mastering. I'm hoping it'll 'clear the fog' so to speak and I can finally understand mastering instead of throwing compressors and limiters randomly at a master bus aha.