Your latest G.A.S. purchases


With the free Ilok2
Haha, I was wondering if you or Mao would pick up on that - my Dad used to be a professional trumpeter (now he mainly teaches), and did a ton of performances/clinics in Italy, so he has a real soft spot for it :D
Got my 1176 board populated at last. Just waiting on the cosmetics arriving from the USA and then it's a case of firing it all together :)


had to do it, i'm TOTALLY broke now, must quit eating, drinking etc. until the end of the month.
hope the free ilok arrives soon!

ok, so the login does not work.
i managed to login once, the download failed.
a second login seems impossible.

not that bad as i have to wait for the ilok but still meh...:D
Got my 1176 board populated at last. Just waiting on the cosmetics arriving from the USA and then it's a case of firing it all together :)


YES mate!
How much was it altogether in sterling including import rape .. i mean duty if you dont mind me asking?
I'm nearing completion man. I won't be able to rack up the final totals until later in the week as I'm still waiting for a face plate, VU meter and knobs to arrive from Hairball. So far, I reckon it's been under £350. But that's a total stab in the dark(so far Customs haven't raped me, but I think they will this time). I'll add it all up once I've got the thing finished and wired up. I'll be putting a thread up about the build when it's finished. Hopefully you'll see that in the next two weeks. I've got a 2U rack enclosure for it to go in that cost me about £30 from Germany. I'm getting fuckin excited now man! It'll likely be the only bit of outboard I'll have for a while, but I was looking at this as a project for fun rather than "OMGZ... need an 1176!"

Still... fuck I'm excited :D haha
had to do it, i'm TOTALLY broke now, must quit eating, drinking etc. until the end of the month.
hope the free ilok arrives soon!

I know how that goes, I'm having to beg the ol' bossaroonie for overtime so I can buy a nice new video card on freitag, fingers crossed I can pull that off heh.
I'm nearing completion man. I won't be able to rack up the final totals until later in the week as I'm still waiting for a face plate, VU meter and knobs to arrive from Hairball. So far, I reckon it's been under £350. But that's a total stab in the dark(so far Customs haven't raped me, but I think they will this time). I'll add it all up once I've got the thing finished and wired up. I'll be putting a thread up about the build when it's finished. Hopefully you'll see that in the next two weeks. I've got a 2U rack enclosure for it to go in that cost me about £30 from Germany. I'm getting fuckin excited now man! It'll likely be the only bit of outboard I'll have for a while, but I was looking at this as a project for fun rather than "OMGZ... need an 1176!"

Still... fuck I'm excited :D haha

Can't wait for this thread! Can we get an estimate of how much time it took for the build, and then I won't bug you until the threads done. I want some DIY 1176s so badly.