Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Interesting you like freak kitchens rhythm guitar tone.
That have always been the biggest turn off for me.. just sound.. yeah.. super-hollow, almost-phasey as marcus said.
I think I read some where that "IA" tracked the guitars mic'd in a bathroom or a shower or something to get that hollow reverb sound? maybe i'm wrong
Well admittedly I very much doubt the Freak Kitchen tone is even remotely an accurate representation of what the amp actually sounds like, there had to have been something seriously funky going on during the recording of it (e.g. in the bathroom, if that's true - I certainly wouldn't be surprised!)
Laneys actually sound seriously badass in my experience, very underrated and great value. However they broke down a lot when we sold them at the store I worked at, but that was a long time ago maybe they are better now.
I have a Laney 4x12 cab (not sure which model tho) and it kicks ass. Definitely not as good as a an oversized Mesa or anything, but still good nonetheless. Not sure about their amp heads tho.
I know Opeth and Intronaut use the Laney VH100's, which are the GH100's with a second channel. I never really tried recording mine, but I think I'll do some test clips sometime soon.

They use them just for live purposes since they're endorsed. I think they have rarelly recorded anything ouf of them.
I think I read some where that "IA" tracked the guitars mic'd in a bathroom or a shower or something to get that hollow reverb sound? maybe i'm wrong

At a clinic i went to he said that he always tracked his guitars with the amp standing in the bathtub of a small bathroom.
No he doesn't always track guitars there, he did for his first solo album ONLY...he has a home studio lol. Yeah it's super hollow, far from a "perfect" guitar tone....and thats what I love about it. Really really distinctive and unique, it's HIS tone. I think it works for them, but it appears I'm alone lol. He very predictably manages to swing that exact same tone on every Freak Kitchen album. He told me its an unboosted GH50L into his Laney 2x12 with an SM57 off axis and as close to the grill as he can get it without touching.
No he doesn't always track guitars there, he did for his first solo album ONLY...he has a home studio lol. Yeah it's super hollow, far from a "perfect" guitar tone....and thats what I love about it. Really really distinctive and unique, it's HIS tone. I think it works for them, but it appears I'm alone lol. He very predictably manages to swing that exact same tone on every Freak Kitchen album. He told me its an unboosted GH50L into his Laney 2x12 with an SM57 off axis and as close to the grill as he can get it without touching.

No you're not alone. I fucking love his tone. :lol:
The song is cool, but I really don't like the rhythm tone. It's cool if you have your own signature tone, but I just don't like that one.
They use them just for live purposes since they're endorsed. I think they have rarelly recorded anything ouf of them.

Mikael actually used a TT100H up until recently, and he never used the preamp section. In 2002, it was a Boss GT-6 through the power section, then he upgraded to a BOSS GT-8, and I believe they're actually using AxeFx through the Laney amps now :err:
Mikael actually used a TT100H up until recently, and he never used the preamp section. In 2002, it was a Boss GT-6 through the power section, then he upgraded to a BOSS GT-8, and I believe they're actually using AxeFx through the Laney amps now :err:

Mikael runs AxeFx into Laney poweramp section, Fredrik just uses the Axe in the FX loop of his Blackstar for FX.
After doing a bunch of research about Nebula today, my boner for this stuff was just too hard and I had to grab the Nebula 3 Pro, the Flex EQ bundle and both DME 1968 comp programs. Can't wait to play around with these!