Your latest G.A.S. purchases

CANT DECIDE...UGGHHH What finish?!





Purple!!!>>>>>>>blueish grey>red>>>orange>>yellow
Mikaël-ange;9822786 said:
@ DigitalMetal: congrats and welcome back to HD user's:headbang:

Thanks !

I just got Avid HEAT too, need to give it a try asap but not gonna have a decent chance for the next couple of days.
I think its going to be purple, i really like the black but I already have a flamed maple jackson that's almost that same color so i need some variety.

It's back ordered for a week or two though!

Couldn't find it used here, so bought it on an USA ebay dealer who ships to europe. Even with the espensive shipping, it's far cheaper than from Thomann. Waiting for it to come.


Just bought my 3-day pass for the Hellfest next month
just got radial JDI duplex MK4 for recording guitar/bass for reamping.
pro tools 9 and superior drummer/metal foundry.
Yea the zakk OD rocks. I got one when they first came out, unfortunately they had some problems with the switches breaking in the first few runs of them and my switched bummed out after a while and I threw out my reciep/ warranty stuff :(
still works, just have to click it a few times to switch and sometimes it gets stuck in like a half on half off thing lol

No worries though, they fixed the switch issue.

Scoping out a new 6505 for $899 at my local, they said they could do a little better for me too, granted I will have to pay tax but it will still be a little cheaper than online without tax and I love supporting the local place