Your latest G.A.S. purchases




Check out my new 160W paperweight!


Honeymoon period is already over. It died on me after playing it for 3 hours at band rehearsal last night. A power tube shat itself, fuse blown, no sound from it whatsoever. I'm guessing it's either a faulty transformer that killed the tube, or the fact that they're cheapo Sovtek KT88's (preamp tubes are horrible chinese made 12AX7B's, talk about cutting costs!) :mad:
While ordering some strings and various other picks I came across these....intrigued...I ordered a few to test them out...


I've been jamming on one that's basically a copy of the blue size (it's a Jazz III XL size in Tortex material, from InTuneGP, and I'm totally and completely converted. Best pick ever for all the material I play.