Your latest G.A.S. purchases

18 bucks in the Waves store. Hard to resist.

I've been working on a screen of that size and resolution for just under a year and it has completely changed my workflow. You're going to fucking love that much real estate.

What monitor you using Jeff?

I'm in the market but the one Oz has is out of my price range.
Thanks brett... feel free to remove our posts about it, i don't care. What happened? Was it caused by him trying to quote inside another quote and forget to end the statement?
One of my main weaknesses as a guitarist is having the motivation to practice actual playing with full instrumentation and improvising over it - I tend to noodle and write to basic drum patterns and such more than just outright jam. So, I've been mulling over this purchase for quite sometime since first seeing it presented at this years NAMM, and after seeing Jack Thammarat's demo videos on YouTube I finally pulled the trigger and ordered a BOSS JS-8 eBand unit - now the wait for it to arrive. by the way if you have never heard or seen Jack Thammarat, the kid is truly a stunningly talented guitarist that can simply play any style of guitar fluently as his demo's of the JS-8 show.

If you have not seen the BOSS JS-8 eBand, it's essentially a "Band in a Box" type gadget. It's takes the COSM modelling of the BOSS GT-10 and puts it in a desktop tool loaded with over 300 backing track loops of almost every style of music you can imagine. It can also play back your own WAV/MP3 files and includes such features as a built in phrase trainer, 40 second phrase looper, metronome, tuner, center cancel to remove existing guitar and vocal parts (they call it center cancel, but it is frequency and positional sweepable to remove it from anywhere in a stereo field), ... Pretty much any practice tool you need all in one unit. It's also a full fledged guitar audio interface with re-amp capabilities for external tracks. To fully understand it's capabilities you really need to watch some of the videos available.

Could I already do many of these things with my existing gear? Sure, but this is just too damn handy and so much simpler for quick practicing anywhere including out in my living room with the unit on my end table, a pair of headphones, and my guitar (all while my wife watches TV or reads).

You will find nothing but high praise reviews of this unit wherever you search, and if it's gets me playing more and improvising more than all the worthwhile. I could end up being the best investment I've made towards my playing but who knows - if not, it should be an easily sellable item.

Here are some demo videos displaying the sounds and capabilities:

the first three are all 10 minute videos of Jack Thammarat jamming over all the different styles. All the tones are automatically selected by the unit for the style, but also remain fully editable through the interface if you want to change them as it is a BOSS GT-10 under a different skin).

Last video is the BOSS Demo video of it's capabilities:

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My MC Control Was getting lonely so i bought him a friend,

Its a shame the V1 MC control faders and buttons dont line up with the MC Mix, but its a small issue, maybe one day il up grade to a V2 but its bearable for now.
