Your latest G.A.S. purchases

I've had both the HS50's and 80's, both good, but 80's are definitely better suited to rock and metal.

Just got my JVM, fuckin hell this is awesome.. and it was only £450! :D

I am struggling with the Bass and Kick on the 50's. I would still probably struggle on the 80's, just maybe a little less. :lol:

Congrats on the JVM, especially for that price. It would be the next amp I would buy.

Technically our vocalist bought it, but I picked it :D Sounds great and built super solid; we got it mainly for practicing and last night plugged in 2 mics, a bass (straight into the 10 MOhm inst input) and drum tracks from a phone, worked like a charm through our JBL PA speaker!

Finally! Although technically it wasn't a purchase; I got it as payment for doing the album I'm recording with Ever Circling Wolves. Already tracked some guitars with it and quite unsurprisingly it delivers. Gonna try it on bass too when we're tracking again, I've been using my Oktava Mk-319 on the bass cab so far. And obviously when we get to vocals. I previously used an EV RE-20 on the vocalist of the band, going through an LA2A, and I hardly had to do anything to the vocals while mixing, so I'm pretty sure the SM7B will get me to the same ballpark.
you bastard! Did you get them straight from the Equator site? I'd love to know how much they cost with shipping included, in Euros, kthxbye

The website doesn't even propose Portugal as a shipping destination ! And it would be complicated for me to send them to france, cause I couldn't take them back to me in the plane, so I have bought it on ebay from the UK, ends up around 450 with shipping !
I was thinking about buying a little amp for practicing, because having to plug a card to my laptop, then load Reaper and its vsts is annoying as hell... I went into a shop to buy a micstand, and ended up leaving with this :


It sounds ridiculously good for its price, I mean seriously. I tested it with an LTD in passive pickups, it sounded so good, it was a no brainer for 189 euros the whole thing, and in the format of such a tiny speaker. I'm considering adding an overdrive in front of it but you don't even need it for practicing. And at 0.5/10 it's already loud enough to annoy your neighbours !
Superior drummer 2.0 crossgrade ( been using ezdrummer for ages)
Rock solid ezx
The metal foundry sdx
Palmer PAN02 active DI.

Going bankrupt now :lol: but hey, in spain I'll be just another one
Went today and bought several picks - first time I ever do that! :lol: Somehow I'm always the guy pulling lint and change to buy a single pick at the store..


Motivating myself to practice and record a lot over the holidays!