Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Got myself a Marshall MX412 cab... the speakers are bad ass sounding stock (much better than the standard 1960A ones)


an ISP Decimator G String II, damn this pedal is rad!!! also a looper channel switcher for the 6505, means that when I switch to the clean channel, the TS9 is dropped out as well, so awesome!


What kinda speakers are on those? What are they like?

Yeah, I hate G12T-75's, lol.

They have the Celestion G12-60 SE. Check the quote below:

"Overall I will say that if you are looking for a V30 alternative, you can’t go wrong with the G12-60’s. The current V30 is made in China and goes for around $145 each. The G12-60’s are $80 each and represents a true bargain for what is essentially the same speaker and they are made in the UK."

"this speaker sounds like a Vintage 30 that has been nicely broken in."

I was in the store and had a 1960 AV next to it, this MX412 certainly has less fizz, haven't put my V30's in it yet, but I'm really enjoying jamming with it as it is tbh! which is surprising. The dimensions are pretty much identical to the 1960A. Compared them back to back and the MX412 is actually a little deeper, the only downside is that it's MDF, need to get it under a mic asap!
I got wood... For my new panels. Built them on Saturday. Well, I watched my mate build them and I just held the bits of wood together etc. Took us a couple of hours to knock out 11 frames. Just gotta order enough material to wrap round them now.

Acoustic treatment is always exciting as fuck. I need more myself.

I'm moving in with my girlfriend next month so I'm getting my new room sorted out ASAP. Painted it a couple of weeks ago, got new light fittings etc. Wood flooring is my next purchase.


And here is how I'm getting on with my new panels. I'm seriously getting blisters on my right hand from the staple gun :(

It's not here yet, but I'm pulling the trigger on it in the morning, I must've been a good boy this year, this is what Santa's bringing me....
15" rMBP with 2,6ghz i7, 16gb ram and 512gb SSD. I think I'm gonna be set for a while again.

Also got another MK-012 body, so now I've got three (one of which is broken and not yet fixed, but I got that one for free) and some picks and cables and stuff.
massey DRT

got this cute little blackstar for $200! sounds awesome too!

another at4040 so now I have stereo room mics

and I bought jefftd's triggers to replace my shitty ddrum triggers
So far, love the new LP, the p'ups aren't as hot as what I'm used to, but it's chunky & articulate at the same time....

I finally bought Ermz's mixing guide as a Christmas present for myself. I read it through this morning, a fantastic read. It confirms a few things that I've figured out independently(which is good for confidence haha) but also gives a fantastic description of the whole mixing process and makes me want to head right to the studio to mix something so I can try out a lot of his approaches. Fantastic read, can't recommend it enough.