Oh I kinda lied... it's ordered and I haven't tried yet lol but knowing me and talking with my uncle who got the same, the neck should be exactly what I'm looking for (Ibanez Wizard II is my favorite neck and quite like the fat necks on Schecter. However, reaching the 24th fret on my Schecter is a pain). I think it is still made in SK. One of my point with SK is that I believe they like their job more (and have better conditions) and to me that reflects in the final product on a non-aesthetic level.So you went with the LTD after all, love the lookhow's the sound and feel of the guitar? Is it made in SK?
Plan on getting the 1081 as well for the extra band and more specific boosts for drums/bass. The 73 is just for nice gentle high shelf's and smooth mid colouring atm.
Also I traded a few hours of overdub work for an SM57.