Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Still building personal my wall of doom in this day and age of impulses and modelisation. Call me gear snob.
Snatched this for 120 euros::goggly:


I loooove straight cabinets.:)
Bought a JCM 2000 50W and 1960B cab.

Both were beat to shit, had ripped rolex and boring black grill cloth.

Made them both look perrty and replaced the G12-75Ts with 2 Greenbacks and 2 G12H 30s.

A very usable piece of kit I think, Review and test please!!!:cool:

I should be getting it tomorrow. I can't wait to try it. I will definitely post clips. It's perfect for me. I need something that is small and won't take up space. Being able to put it in my rack if perfect. I also can't blast an amp very often so the low wattage is great and being able to go direct in is great to for the times when I can't even play at low volume with a cab. I am going to hook up my Pod HD500 via the 4 cable method.

BF504. Not that I really needed it, I'm just addicted to mics.


BPM CR-10. An obscure German brand from the 90's. Figured It's not a risky investment for 29 euros. It cost around 10 times more apparently...