Your latest G.A.S. purchases

New pc:
Intel i7-4790
16gb ram
2tb hdd for OS
1tb hdd for audio

Plus these 2 little items:

The little 15w EVH LBX rips, & sounds good through either of my cabs, but right now I'm liking the Greenback/EVH cab a little better, that may change in time though....

The new pc seems to be super fast compared to the AMD quad-core I'd been using for over 6 years....Pretty happy!!!

I've also got another 1tb 7200 rpm hdd & external case with usb 3.0 arriving tomorrow....
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Shure 548 Unidyne IV


Zildjian A Quick Beat 14 Hats:

oops, looks like I bought an SL-X too...

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finally got a kemper. pretty blown away with everything about it, only things I don't like are the DI (bypassing the kemper's one) and the fact that it has to be the master for clocking. both aspects sound significantly worse than my Apollo which is hardly the most high end device either.....

also grabbed some isoacoustic stands for my secondary monitors which were just on a flat surface and not sounding right. instantly improved low end response + clarity.

fully recommend both.
finally got a kemper. pretty blown away with everything about it, only things I don't like are the DI (bypassing the kemper's one) and the fact that it has to be the master for clocking. both aspects sound significantly worse than my Apollo which is hardly the most high end device either.....

also grabbed some isoacoustic stands for my secondary monitors which were just on a flat surface and not sounding right. instantly improved low end response + clarity.

fully recommend both.

Same here...I hate the fact that it has to be the master.

Would you care to expand a bit on Kemper's DIs quality ?

Many thanks
New old mic:

Dual (Sennheiser oem) MD407 (original MD409 capsule)

This amazing bang for the buck of a snare:

2016-06-23 19.29.20.jpg
Tama Soundworks Kapur 13"x7"

A whole bunch of "Drumclip" mufflers:

More convenient and durable than moongels. You can attach them to the reso head as well.
Splurged on a used Crybaby Wah beats drawing automation curves in AT4/GR5 & sending 'em through the re-amp box then into the amp...To be fair, the vst wah's sound pretty good through a real amp, but it' so time consuming/tedious...$50 well spent IMO...