Your life goals

I had a goal to eventually work on Wall Street, but at this point I'm just taking things one day at a time because that's all you can really do in times like these.
I'm honestly pretty lazy and happy even when things arent that great. I just want to have a family that loves me (fat chance, I'm sure)... a house... a job that gets us by... and my own dog. Preferrably something like this:

I want to be a tenured ancient historian at some distinguished university.

I want to be a tenured literary professor at some distinguished university (which will probably not end up happening, considering how hard it is for PhDs to land a permanent job anymore; I'll settle for a less-than-distinguished university, but I wanna be tenured eventually, damn it).

EDIT: I would also really like to be able to publish some of my creative writing eventually; if I can make a living at that, I'll thank my lucky stars.
I am not sure what I want, but I am pretty sure of what I don't want. I will probably kill myself if I end up working some soul crushing job in a factory or a office. i have worked both (currently working in a factory) and I hate them both so much there is not way i could handle a life worth of either. I feel the need to do something that allows me to be creative and I have a desire to do creative things, but I have no idea what. I lack any solid skills that would point me in the right direction, such as the ability to draw/paint/act/sing/write/play music/what have you, but something like that sounds the most appealing. I am terrified I will end up doing something totally average and meaningless with my life. My parents always show me these job openings that could turn into careers and I have zero interest in any of them. I don't want to spend years of my life at some meaningless job becasue it makes me a lot of money. Fuck that. I am 22 and have not the slightest clue as to what I am doing with my life. I don't even know which direction to head. It is incredibly frustrating and a constant source of anxiety for me. So gaiz wut shud I do?
teach freshman composition
do something else
open my own high school outside of the public school system but something that any student could afford
do something else
become a has been lounge singer in Reno, Nevada
raise sheep on the west coast of ireland
For me I have a couple goals which involve getting a doctorate degree in a field similar to my current studies. Right now I'm getting my bachelors in biology then from there I will decide what to study exactly and where to continue my studies. Another goal involves girls, duhh. Lets see...I also want to become better at skateboarding. I already have my basic tricks plus some extra manual combos I know but I'd like to perfect my varial kickflip before the end of this year. Also gain more muscle mass. Those are just a few and there may be others I can't recall right now. I may gain some more as life goes on (marry, have kids, etc)

Overall though I just want to experience life to the fullest and never let my fear or anyone or anything stop me from getting what I want. Take risks, not regrets. No guts, no glory (bolt thrower)
i have many goals. However, I will admit that they arent modest goals. I want to tour the world make incredible music,which is entirely my own. I also want my family to be happy and without problems, which has plagued them for so long.I will do anything for that to happen;and for me to be able to do what I dream to.

and deffinately to not work. Working, of any sort, sucks every bit of love and joy out of me. I am very bitter for having already worked for 5 years( since I was 12)
play wow.


Ok, I am not attacking anyone in particular, but I have always thought getting married to be an extremely lame goal. Getting married itself should not be a goal. That just seems so silly, like something from the '50s or something. Marriage seems like such a massively overrated thing that everyone seems to think you have to do to have been successful in life.
This is actually something I've been thinking about tonight. My current situation is teaching me that it's very important that I find something that I like doing, because when you don't enjoy your job (like now) it really really sucks. I honestly don't need to make that much money, as long as I can feed myself and any potential progeny. I also really don't want to end up alone, because being alone (as I, for all practical purposes, am completely) fucking blows.

So gaiz wut shud I do?
Grad school

Marriage seems like such a massively overrated thing that everyone seems to think you have to do to have been successful in life.
Marriage is like insurance against loneliness. Right now, I completely understand that aspect of it. That said, I see your point.
Find a girl I like to have sex with on an ongoing and frequent basis
Stay in decent shape
Go to Wacken and see some of the world

Otherwise my life is pretty satisfactory. Work is rarely very cool, but financial security and the ability to buy the things I want most of the time is nice.

Careers are overrated. Minimize travel time, and enjoy the rest of your hours, and get by on six hours of sleep a night if possible.
I sometimes wonder what it feels like to want kids. as of now, I have no desire to procreate and I don't see why so many people do. I have friends who really wanted kids when they were like 18 and now some of them do. I don't get it.

<--- is obviously a scrooge who hates marriage and kids.