Your life goals

open my own high school outside of the public school system but something that any student could afford
do something else
raise sheep on the west coast of ireland

I want to have a good career as a programmer.
I want to study abroad.
Study philosophy/sociology/psychology.
Have a good wife and well raised kids.
Be with the people I love the most as long as possible.
Get as much wisdom as possible (yeah that might sound weird..)
Get through Med school, get a decent hospital for my first job...
Lose weight, get fit.
Become 2nd team captain for my uni's rugby club.
Try not to kill too many people while I'm a doctor...

As for speciality, don't know at the moment - probably not surgery though. Or obs and gynae... would put me off.
Get rich off of my web ventures, in the next few years.
Own a castle on a mountain, a cabin in the woods, a house on the beach.
Get out of the USA and live in a modest country. Travel to many places.
Learn German, Romanian, Finnish, French, Spanish, Esperanto, Russian.
Have more women than any other man in history.
Have an orgy with more or less 1000 women.
Own my own island.
Become a patron of alternative science and inventions.

If the first goal works out I will be well on my way.
I want to die in a bloody fucking mess. I'll write a letter and be sure to have people publicize it against shitty judicial systems, shitty bedroom black metal and deathcore, and shitty people taking kids from moderately decent people. Mother fuckers. I'll call 'em out someday. Or I'll drink. I dunno. I honestly expected to be dead by now, so I suppose goals are needed. I'm in school to be a mechanic, so I'm off to a shitty start.
I think that was a cry for help or something. In a day or two there will probably be another rampage killing and this forum will be blamed for not doing more to help him.
i was actually lolling when i wrote that. i do pretty much believe it though.
To go to work and make a living together with my friends is my dream. Our aim is to succeed with our self-established company and earn enough money to be able to do have fun. I don't care to earn loads - I'd much rather just meet up and perhaps decide to go play golf instead of working for one day. I.E - to be able to decide for myself and spend as much time with my friends as possible.

Oh, and also break the 500 women border some time before I die. I don't care much for love.
Not so much a life goal as a thing to do before I die, but I want to play bass in a rock band called Getaway Car.
Finish school on a good note.
Receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in University.
Move to England.
Get a job as a Customs officer (idk why; seems interesting).
Live a nice life.
Play guitar in a band (I do at the moment, but everyone else is too fucking lazy to do anything and keep wanting to cover BFMV and Hatebreed).
Marry at 28, have some kids.

Attend Maryland Deathfest (Sounds like an awesome festival).
Get my motorbike license.
Expand my band shirt collection.
many many things - Photography is high on the list! Bill Henson is my inspiration there!
Go to as many metal gigs as I can possibly manage
fuck this guy I’m into!
fuck that guy again
The list goes on and includes things like uni, work, family, music but mostly just whats above