Your life goals

Where are all the wildly ambitious types?

I'm here to change the world for the better in as big a way as I can. That will probably involve working on some politics-oriented web project with friends of mine in the near future. We're living in the fucking information age, and the potential for well-informed, decommercialised democracy has never been greater. Considering all the absurdly popular social networking and collaborative/wiki sites we have now, I see no reason why there couldn't be one that gets people more involved with their governments.

Aside from that, I want to continue developing my creative writing abilities, record music at some point, and hopefully produce a few computer games. Then there's the usual stuff like travel, romance, having a rewarding job, etc. I'm pretty sure I can deal with being single my whole life as long as I have close friends around wherever I go. Fortunately plenty of my friends are just as socially unsuccessful as I am.
Where are all the wildly ambitious types?

I'm here to change the world for the better in as big a way as I can.

I'm ambitious. My goal as an historian is to turn as many people against religion as I can.

That was semiserious. I really want to give as many people as possible a better understanding of the past, the world, and themselves, so as to better address and question the status quo and work toward a better future. I hope to do that by keeping alive the flame of classical studies, and all the benefits such an education can have for anyone.
To ethnically cleanse Sweden of arabs and gypsies and genetically restore the aryan nation, by any means possible. One nation, one people, one race, SIEG HEIL.
I am not sure what I want, but I am pretty sure of what I don't want. I will probably kill myself if I end up working some soul crushing job in a factory or a office. i have worked both (currently working in a factory) and I hate them both so much there is not way i could handle a life worth of either. I feel the need to do something that allows me to be creative and I have a desire to do creative things, but I have no idea what. I lack any solid skills that would point me in the right direction, such as the ability to draw/paint/act/sing/write/play music/what have you, but something like that sounds the most appealing. I am terrified I will end up doing something totally average and meaningless with my life. My parents always show me these job openings that could turn into careers and I have zero interest in any of them. I don't want to spend years of my life at some meaningless job becasue it makes me a lot of money. Fuck that. I am 22 and have not the slightest clue as to what I am doing with my life. I don't even know which direction to head. It is incredibly frustrating and a constant source of anxiety for me. So gaiz wut shud I do?

Are you in college? That can be a very stimulating environment in terms of finding your place in life, not just because of all the subjects you can learn about in-depth but also because of the kinds of student communities you can find.

If you're in college now and don't think you're getting that kind of benefit, I urge you to join some clubs or student organisations. Find people to hang out with and bounce ideas off of. Do some volunteer work. Just get out there and do stuff while you have the opportunity.
Like Evil?, I would rather blow my head off than work some boring job that drains my energy. I really don't want to spend my life working to live/living to work, but rather have as much fun as I can and make people laugh along the way whenever possible. I'd settle for a job that is tolerable in order to fund my hobbies. Getting married doesn't look like a possibility for me(always just a friend).

I'd like to create a band that at least enhances a style that has already been around.
Go to an Operation Irene(big airsoft event based off of the mission) with my friends.
Have sex with a lot of whores or find someone special.
Do somthing extremely random before I die (create mad max style army of homeless people, hijack a space shuttle, re-enact the movie "speed" by convincing people that there is a bomb on the bus, etc).
Become fluent in:
Old Norse

It's not as difficult because it sounds because the 5 languages at the top of the list are all related to one another.

To ethnically cleanse Sweden of arabs and gypsies and genetically restore the aryan nation, by any means possible. One nation, one people, one race, SIEG HEIL.

Aryans are from fucking North India, Iran (that general area) FFS.
Are you in college? That can be a very stimulating environment in terms of finding your place in life, not just because of all the subjects you can learn about in-depth but also because of the kinds of student communities you can find.

If you're in college now and don't think you're getting that kind of benefit, I urge you to join some clubs or student organisations. Find people to hang out with and bounce ideas off of. Do some volunteer work. Just get out there and do stuff while you have the opportunity.

I am sorta in "college" I have been going on and off when I get enough money and time. My parents have never had the money to pay for things for me so i support myself with everything. I do not live with my parents and have things that need to be paid for and I work full time, 12 hour days, so money and time are always an issue. When I do go to school it is a lame ass community college. I would like to go to a nicer school but I do not like the idea of being buried in debt in such a shitty and uncertain economy where my degree could be useless anyway. I can't really get financial aid either because my Dad actually makes a lot of money, my parents just buried themselves in debt, so none of it is available. I get pretty bummed out thinking about what I may be missing out on. I am not really involved with anything and my life is pretty much as boring as it gets.
I am sorta in "college" I have been going on and off when I get enough money and time. My parents have never had the money to pay for things for me so i support myself with everything. I do not live with my parents and have things that need to be paid for and I work full time, 12 hour days, so money and time are always an issue. When I do go to school it is a lame ass community college. I would like to go to a nicer school but I do not like the idea of being buried in debt in such a shitty and uncertain economy where my degree could be useless anyway. I can't really get financial aid either because my Dad actually makes a lot of money, my parents just buried themselves in debt, so none of it is available. I get pretty bummed out thinking about what I may be missing out on. I am not really involved with anything and my life is pretty much as boring as it gets.

That sucks man. :(

It really is a whole other experience when you live on-campus at a university. I hope you can find some way to try it out. I made most of my close friends in my first year, living in a dorm (living off-campus did very little for me socially). I was also lucky enough to have parents/grandparents that could pay me through and didn't really start working until my last year.

I'm sure it feels shitty to have to worry about debt, though if going to a university is your best chance at getting out of a future you consider unlivable then you should probably go for it. At the very least, you won't have to go through the rest of life wondering if it could have made a difference. Plus, there are a lot of employers out there who require people to have some kind of college degree, regardless of the major. Even if you don't end up with a dream job, just having those extra opportunities makes it more likely you'll find something at least partially interesting, as opposed to mindless repetitive labor.

Oh, also: university could be a good opportunity for you to move away from the economic shithole that is Michigan. :)
I am not sure what I want, but I am pretty sure of what I don't want. I will probably kill myself if I end up working some soul crushing job in a factory or a office. i have worked both (currently working in a factory) and I hate them both so much there is not way i could handle a life worth of either. I feel the need to do something that allows me to be creative and I have a desire to do creative things, but I have no idea what. I lack any solid skills that would point me in the right direction, such as the ability to draw/paint/act/sing/write/play music/what have you, but something like that sounds the most appealing. I am terrified I will end up doing something totally average and meaningless with my life. My parents always show me these job openings that could turn into careers and I have zero interest in any of them. I don't want to spend years of my life at some meaningless job becasue it makes me a lot of money. Fuck that. I am 22 and have not the slightest clue as to what I am doing with my life. I don't even know which direction to head. It is incredibly frustrating and a constant source of anxiety for me. So gaiz wut shud I do?

:lol: Holy shit. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the fact that you sound exactly like I did just 2-3 years ago. I was working at a factory, going no where in my life, dealing with complete fucking morons on a daily basis, and detested the idea of working for the rest of my life so that I could "retire." However, I have a solution to your problems: join the military.

Now before you flip out on me and say go fuck yourself, just think about it. Depending on the branch you join, you could potentially be doing a "job" that you wouldn't normally be able to do as some random guy out there in the civilian world. You get free room and board, free training, free travel AROUND THE WORLD, and if you specialize in something that truly interests you, you will be working towards retirement in merely 20 years. So by 42, instead of 56+, you could be retired gaining a full pension for life. All the while having spent your life traveling the world doing good deeds and "living."

This is why I think the military is so great and it boggles my mind that so many people overlook it. I hear the same crap over and over, "But I don't want to be out there getting shot at, blah blah blah." Truth of the matter is, unless you are in some sort of combat oriented job, you won't be in harms way. If I hadn't been discharged from the Marine Corps with my leg injury, I'd still be in right now. Regardless, I'm looking to rejoin the National Guard so that I may finish school and become an officer in the military. I've seen what's out there in terms in civilian jobs, and to be completely honest, unless you are doing making a shit ton of money or are fortunate enough to be doing what you truly "love", your job is going to be lame and for the most part, your life is going to be lame. That's not so with the military.

Even if you just do one enlistment, you will still have gone many places for free that you wouldn't have even considered, made true friends that you never would have met otherwise, and will be set to complete school at your leisure because of the government's financial aid programs. On top of that, you'll gain a completely different perspective on life, and learn a lot things about yourself that you never really knew. It's only 4 years, in the grand scheme of things, is that really that long?
Devasya Chāyā;8641303 said:
Aryans are from fucking North India, Iran (that general area) FFS.

Obviously I'm reffering to the nazi image of aryans. Like with the swastika in western society, definitions change.
i don't mind a grinding job at an office. as long as it pays well. i am employed, but someday i'd like to have a permanent contract at a big company that will never close.

i don't want to get married or have kids. i just wanna fuck young whores all my life.

i also want to go to metal festivals, drink alcohol, buy nice gadgets and stuff, etc.

i want to die around 55ish because i dont want to become wrinkly and impotent and useless. edit: although medicine, erection drugs and plastic surgery will probably be really awesome by then.. if i can afford that then the sky's the limit.

You need to wake up. :lol: