your lyrics

mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
make sure you keep making mistakes before you meet me by the lake, until that day keep missing trains, be unlucky, dont avoid stains, suffer gently, go your own way, did as you wished, did as you could, ran out of speech, drank all you could

This part is just lovely. I was reading the poems on this thread while the end of Violence off A Natural Disaster was playing, and the two things just came together to form a perfect moment. Thank you guys. :)
I have 16 "serious" songs (with music written for them as well. mostly Anathema style) but I'm not gonna put them up here in case they get nicked :) sorry! but here's a funny one I wrote years ago... I still play it once in a while, it's good fun when there are goths in the audience... they get pissed off and leave haha.

Goth Girl

Oh goth girl you’re too fat for that dress

You couldn’t look sexy if you tried

Oh goth girl you’re too fat for that dress

You’ll always be uglier than the rest

Go fuck yourself you ugly bitch

Your boyfriend is a gay freak

He’s got twenty piercings on his dick

Your boyfriend is a gay freak

He’ll probably end up giving you aids

Go fuck yourself you ugly bitch

You cut your arms when you’re down

Wouldn’t it be funny if you died

You cut your arms when you’re down

Why don’t you use the razor to shave your legs instead

Go fuck yourself you ugly bitch

When was the last time that you smiled

You look even uglier when you cry

When was the last time that you smiled

We’ll be laughing when you die

Go fuck yourself you ugly bitch
Dhatura said:
This part is just lovely. I was reading the poems on this thread while the end of Violence off A Natural Disaster was playing, and the two things just came together to form a perfect moment. Thank you guys. :)

aww cheers. oh and that song is funny cenk haha, could be a good punk song.
No Matter When, No Matter Where

Forlorn in this cold corner, you dream time away indifferent of life’s inequities and love’s possibilities. Time passes by, this abstract notion that you can’t conceive, that you despise for being the cause of your deterioration. Your life is like a bullet heading forward, not knowing where it will end, you go blindfolded predicting that in the end you will hit the inevitable, at least you knew, that death did not come to you, but you went to it. Why is this life so mysterious, why do we even ask questions about it? All these facts we discover, all the beliefs we have established as untouchable truths, why do they exists? In the end we will all die, no matter when, no matter where, death awaits us all, it’s a cold fact, but an inevitable ending. Everything is concluded, but what we need to know, is that everything starts for a reason, it’s like a bomb, you set its timer, and the countdown begins, you have little time to act before it blows up, you have little time to do what you were created to do. If this is it, then what is our goal as humans, what does every single life on this earth symbolise? Close your eyes, one day you’ll know it all, if you cannot feel it, just pretend to be happy, we only live once, and since we will never know what happens when we sleep off time, just enjoys the times you can live, no matter how, no matter where, alone, together, angry, sad, happy, bitter, excited…just don’t look too far!
i could fill up a few oceans without a doubt by pouring all the weird emotions and sad thoughts ive had today. but whos to blame? what should i say? i do not know, im so confused. ive been walking all the day. that mad man told me to pray, but how? what for? im used by the lies that fill my eyes, by the bitter pills. do you reckon i shouldnt have been caring and just pretend i havent seen you suffering? but i was honest, genuine. you too i guess. the rest is what i do not know, im so confused. ive been sleeping on a bench, tried to get over the stench of ego. my brain feels used, i forgot what i feel thanks to the bitter pills. im not trying to get any form of sympathy, i dont you to get any wrong idea. id express my point if i only knew it. the stress appointed me, i do not know, im so confused. i feel like a boring twat but i think that if you sat next to me now just like you used to, youd grab me and peel me, fuck the bitter pills. oh fuck the bitter pills.

bitter pills.
im taking root here, just think of all the things i wont get done and all the planes i could have been on, old spider webs between my fingers catching all the plans and dreams that linger, gazing through the window and missing the times when the sky wasnt that low and i was a child, im taking root here, just think of all the notes i could sing and all the people who could give me a ring, get the fuck out of my smelly room, take my finger out of my lazy bum, lets meet up now and have a drink, talk all we can until we cant think, im taking root here, just think of all the streets i could be walking and all the greasy food from burger king, last time i shaved was weeks ago, no shower either - a few months in a row, my childhood illusions have turned to dust and ive cried so much my worn out eyelids are starting to rust, ive taken root here, ive lost the handle of my window, theres even grass under my feet growing slow.

im taking root