your lyrics


ripping at my flesh
slicing through

release me

taring through
to the other side

release me

lick my wounds
slithering in and out
memories taunting
voices scream

feel the rage
as it flows
feel the rage
as it swallows you

running far
moving no where

release me

falling down
to weak to fight

Release me

lick my wounds
slithering in and out
memories taunting
voices scream

feel the rage
as it flows
feel the rage
as it swallows you

Swallow me
and chew me

feel the rage
feel the rage
feel it screaming

feel the rage
feel the rage
eating from the inside

swallow me
and chew me
(random improv)

Endless winters freeze the land
Snow lays fallen gleaming white
The world of silence,
of cold and chaos
Time for war
This dead land
The steel and bodies of those fallen
Lie upon the ground
The eyes of many
stare to the heavens
Stories lost in the dead cold gaze
Victor or failure, dead or live
Never forget these bloodwashed times.
nataservant said:
(random improv)

Endless winters freeze the land
Snow lays fallen gleaming white
The world of silence,
of cold and chaos
Time for war
This dead land
The steel and bodies of those fallen
Lie upon the ground
The eyes of many
stare to the heavens
Stories lost in the dead cold gaze
Victor or failure, dead or live
Never forget these bloodwashed times.
hey i like the pic nearly as good as mine :tickled:
dogskin angel pissed on my shoes
tied her up, sawed off her hooves,
got the bus to Ipswich,
handicapped boy called the police with mop in hand,
Christmas shoplifting joke and balaclava,
Mike Tyson and bad boy curfew
Sorry, for all

I can clearly remember this night
It was the same place, the same old laughter
And the lights were fading with every step we took
I still can see it, it’s no delusion

I was nervous, unsure of what I was doing
Leaving the truth behind for just a moment
Releasing comfort to control a fake reality
And I got lost in a feeling I never had again

Since I betrayed myself

Confusing mind games
Leading into unknown misery
Still marking periods I now regret
Even though they stick on my mind
And with a craving wish
I call them back again
Sorry, for all

In a shadow far from greedy eyes
We stood in silence, face to face
Just a fading breath exposed from the cold
Our eyes lost in each others
Seeing, what I shouldn’t have seen

I couldn’t resist, instinctive
Just did, what I was looking for
Giving you the courage to open yourself
And I was close, close to give in

And then I lost it
Within a moment, something cut the strings
Reality smashed me back down again
Sanity destroyed the dream
If I’ll be ever able to judge this
Maybe I was wrong
Sorry, for all this

Behind your winner smile,
behind your finely selected tie,
behind your perfect suit,
i see,i sit,i sink,i'm sick.
I shrink.

Behind your throne,
behind your august chair,
behind your preaching stand,
i look,your hand i shook,spook,
my dignity you took.

Mouth,wide open,devour me
big man attitude,
abysmal hunger.
Fill your bed with young flesh,
it's your daughter,it's your grand-child,
you can buy all pleasures.

And there she stands,
sucking dollars off his nob,
mob,she does her job.
Tricks for treats,
trips without your wife,
knife,uproot your power for life.

There she stands,
between his legs,
wiping tears in a mess,
torn dress,
i don't like this smell sir,
teacher's waiting,
mere object,
i'm a bird,
i'm a tree,
inside your lair.

So many times,
i get sick of my own nature,
and sick for sure.
Posh animal,
monsters ball,
wish i was fire to burn you all...

why are you still jealous, why do you still regret

why do you still let your eyes get magnified, why do you still hold on?

What do you still expect?

How can you still bear the light, how can you still endure the smiles

How can you still live with this, after all these years, how is your life doin`?

Wasn’t it like this before?

Isn’t it pathetic to feel like this, isn’t it like this

Isn’t your life going its own way, just without, just without, without?

Isn’t it like this?

Can’t you simply let loose, can’t you simply forget

Can’t you simply stop it, can’t you, stop it, please?

I can’t, I can’t, do it, let it pass

And it’s spinning inside, creeping through my mind,

Now and then it conceals my eyes, because you’re still there

Pathetic, isn’t it…….
do as you wish, do as you can, run out of speech, drink your life can, its late enough, get your hands chopped off, your eyes blind, bleed your last drop and keep in mind - its late enough, make sure you keep making mistakes before you meet me by the lake, until that day keep missing trains, be unlucky, dont avoid stains, suffer gently, go your own way, choke on bad food then break your arm, misunderstood, do yourself harm, just carry on, break down in pain, cheer up and smile, break down again, wait for a while, then carry on, make sure you keep making mistakes before you meet me by the lake, until that day keep missing trains, be unlucky, dont avoid stains, suffer gently, go your own way, did as you wished, did as you could, ran out of speech, drank all you could, it was late enough, got your hands chopped off, your eyes blind, bled your last drop, and kept in mind, it was late enough, made sure you kept making mistakes until you met me by the lake one rainy day, the merry-go-round then stopped for a bit, through muffled sounds and colourful outfits you went your way, and some day...its always late enough, i have to wait for you and some day...
Simple dreams bring comfort, turned away from the world to avoid pain, left pain. Terrifying hope of eternal dreams, is happiness, and beauty of friends. But pain of untouchable sorrow, horror of vanity, don't recover. Fragility is life, attempts to avoid the paradox, will be in vain. Feel you look through me, lifegiving uncertainty, accepting the rose blossoming in my heart.
Walking Sinner

In a world where no one dares, where no one lives; in a world where no one scares and no one wins, lies a forlorn soul growing impatient in anger, his agony is unscathed no one shall stop him, he shall reach us soon…by foot.

When I was walking all alone in this dark land

I saw him forlorn

My heart just turned to stone

When I saw his black face, when I saw him pick up his pace

I knew I had no chance; I had to give up and leave

I threw one last glance; it was time to grieve

He was just behind

There was something in his mind

I could not stop now

I shouldn’t drop out

I wasn't going to tell, I always wanted to go to hell and
I never wanted to hear nor did I want to be, He was the sinner but god was punishing me…

What To Do, What To do

I Never Wanted To Know

I will never ever bow

To you…don’t walk just leave

Let me grieve


I wasn't going to tell, I always wanted to go to hell and
I never wanted to hear nor did I want to be, He was the sinner but god was punishing me…

And in a universe where no one shall survive, where everyone will go back to the hive; in a realm where no one reaches for what’s inside, no one helps and teaches them not to hide. No one shall come back from the long walk of sins. No one ever wins…
either way you go, the path you choose leads you down the drain of my bleeding vein as i slice away the chain now, i finally managed to turn the missing page, put your book on my pile and smiled, either song you sing, it reminds you of that summer day and the tunes we played on crushed pianos, they swallow you spin down without a sound, head first to the ground, weight of days, a flash and a crash, time has buried pictures of you and i might be in your archives too.
well i think i know the story. do i? there are some obvious things innit i guess. tho i cant explain the first lines so i may be wrong after all. so do i know the story of the song?
yeah, well i had to think hard tho. cause its not really the same thing. right can we pass on that one now haha.