your lyrics

put on your mask, an easy task, they wont ask, greed stains your face, fat kills your grace, dental brace, deny all the obvious points you do hate and they will pop back up when lies will seal your fate, throw your shit looks, burn all your books and the hands you shook, deny all the clever points you do hate and they will pop back up when lies will seal your fate, put on an act, live your own facts, youll be sacked, deny all the good sense points you do hate and they will pop back up when lies will seal your fate.
just before you close your eyes tell me what you dream of, think of - me? dwelling in non-sense, you feel safe and secure, im sorry for your lies, im sorry for these tries, give me back the time ive spoilt with your pushy mind, a debt you cannot pay off, whos better off? dole out your endless crap while time's starting to guilt-trip you, skip all good bits, regret strips your soul, youre naked, a kitchen full of employed fags, knowing you is such a shag, give me back the time ive spoilt with your pushy mind, a debt you cannot pay off, whos better off?
Pale eyes, white face
Her hair floats in the wind
Her look, her movement
I sense disturbance

As I touch her skin
Soft and gentile
She steps back

My eyes cannot witness her expression
She is holding back a deepest secret
Yet I manage to look into her eyes
Like looking at death

Life floats out of me
Into her heart, that’s where it belongs
And she takes it and leaves

How could this have happened?
How am I to survive this?
How do I know the secret?
How do I know that not all was a lie?

Why has she left me?
Why has my life lost its meaning?
Why is there nothing but pain I feel?
Is this when I say goodbye?
The wind had changed. It blew straight through my face. Deciphering words, a key to all that I’ve repressed. Barriers in my mind, A wall within my dreams. I failed to reach the end, For I kept fallin’. I’ve locked the light, Still I saw some shades. I’ve judged my dreams, For what they told me. Memories keep on passing, Blurry streetlights fading. Breaking glass beneath my feet, Reminds me on what I’ve left behind. Sorry, you can’t understand, All the silence comes undone Will this ever be released? Crack! Never, never
looks, seduction, poems, some lies, thats it, now you miss her, now you miss her, now you miss her, cause shes the one for you, now you miss her, doves and love, now you miss her, cause shes the one for you, now you miss her, now you miss her, cause shes the one for you, and she said so too, she did, lust, you score, bed, smiles, sweat and sighs, your spunk (i fall asleep).
Is there a reason

As the coldness of your words
Hits me in the face
I just can‘t turn it off
You leave me with no embrace

As the silence between us
Just seems to be loud
I feel lonely then
Just standing in a crowd

Is there a reason?
Is there any explantion?
Is there anything left
Considered to be a feeling ?

As the last mourn is dissappeared
The last tear is already cried
I can‘t face the reality
Although I tried and tried

As I find me lying on the ground
Unable to speak
I will not look back
Blame me, I am weak ...

Is there a reason?
Is there any explanation?
Is there anything left
Considered to be a feeling?
Lost ~

Leading you deep inside of me
To the place where I am cold
Turbulant voids of what once was
Breaking me down within its hold

Obscure thoughts of what will be
Running through my mind
Dire memories of the past
Silent tears you will find

Screaming out into the night
Falling down to my knees
The rage inside grows stronger yet
Feeding off me what it needs

Look for me and you will see
What this world has done to me
Reach for me and you will find
I’m lost now inside my mind
A Woojy Woojy Woo-oo,
A Woojy Woojy Woo-oo,
A Woojy Woojy Woojy Woojy Woojy WOOJY WOO-OO,
A Woojy Woojy Woojy Woojy Woojy Woojy Woo-oo,
A Woojy Woojy Wooj-y, Woo.
i dunno, but lately i have a thing against rhyming. i dunno why... probably cos most of me me fave poems are in free verse. music's different though. anyways...
Sorry for the rhymes, Sol :erk:

The God of Small Things

Pumpkin seed
Easy to weep
Easy to breathe
Half past three
But you
Overwhelming nothing
Overwhelming nothing
At least
I know
You don’t know
Just wish for
The rhyme that brings
The God of Small Things.

in the infinite cone

grimed stone light gone crisp bone
grinding slant grim wall
grist of days done
weeping well
in hell
will i


Sweet sweat
Next to

My mind
The problem
Just like
The machine
That rolls the film
Onto the screen
While all the scenes
Bring something
My hand
Just fails
To get in
With the touch

And light soon
Strikes the
The pupils shrink
I start to think
The end is
Flipping at
The back
Of my brain
Will tomorrow’s
Be the

On Change

Good gracious!
You look so weird
Without a beard;
Your face is so...
my mates were running in the playground, all that we did then was sound, unaware of what was going on, living a life of happy delusion, when we were kids we were strong and now everything just feels wrong, those were the days, my grand-dad helped me with crosswords, i miss you so bad since you left this world, when i was scared (of chickens) my grand-ma held me tight, god, its been (already) fourteen years since you died, back then i had no doubts at all but who will hold me now that im drifting around without goals, those were the days, children name their parents kings and queens, when i found out the truth i drowned in spleen, since the days your pics slept through my hands ive been endlessly going round the bend, so ill keep haunting the past, forget im turning into an outcast, those were the days.