Your nickname


Nov 25, 2001
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I was just wondering how the hell have some of you made up their give me the history of your nicks

Everyone can guess where I´ve got mine....well in fact it´s a combination of the song and that piece of jevellery I have as my avatar(and in my neck).
I'm not sure how to say it at english....

Martti=my real name
69=symbolisoi kaksosia, eli horoskooppia.. (sorry finnish ;) )

But I have think that maybe I change my nick to "~Rappion Lapsi~"
Originally posted by Martti69
I'm not sure how to say it at english....

Martti=my real name
69=symbolisoi kaksosia, eli horoskooppia.. (sorry finnish ;) )

But I have think that maybe I change my nick to "~Rappion Lapsi~"

Damn, I always thought it was the 'other' 69, no, not that one, 69 Eyes, well, actually, no, yes I meant the other one, 69 Eyes sucks :p

Anyway, his 69 means, if you believe his lame excuse, the horoscope sign for Gemini :D

And the new one he is thinking is something like Child Of Corruption in english ;)

My name, even tho this is not even a forum I much post on, is finnish for Assassin, I think you can find the explanation why I chose it from some other forum as well, but here's a small recap, 2 songs by TBL/Sentenced (ex) singer T Jarva speak of humans as backstabbing bastards and that is what assassins do (stab people in the back) and I definetly count myself as a human, I took it as my nick.

Confusing, yes.
Make sense, no.
Do I care, definetly not.
Actually, I'm a Gemini too, and my nickname has definitely got something to do with it... Janus was the Roman god with two faces, the "guardian god" - I like the way it looks and pronounces (and I'm one of the persons with clearly two different personalities, always two points of view... for real.)
Salamurhaaja: mun mielestä rappion lapsí ois englanniksi child of decadence...

Carpenter: oot suomalainen ja sun sukunimi on Carpenter??

(in english also: you´re finnish and your surename is Carpenter??(not very finnish surename))
A friend of mine started to call me as hepatiitti years ago, but nowadays that name is not used by almost anyone anymore. I still use it in the net though...

I'm not sure what's "hepatiitti" in english.. maybe hepatite? Anyway, "hepatiitti" means some kinda disease. Someone who knows better can give a better explaining....
Originally posted by Warheart83
Salamurhaaja: mun mielestä rappion lapsí ois englanniksi child of decadence...

Totta, mutta se riippuu lähinnä millaisesta rappiosta puhutaan, decadence on enemmänkin kansakunnallinen ilmiö kun taas corruption on yksilöllisempää, laitampa tähän mitä sanoo asiasta:


A process, condition, or period of deterioration or decline, as in morals or art; decay.

A falling away; decay; deterioration; declension.
"The old castle, where the family lived in their decadence.'' --Sir W. Scott.



The act or process of corrupting.
The state of being corrupt.
Decay; rot.
Archaic. Something that corrupts.

lack of integrity or honesty; esp susceptibility to bribery; use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.

Eli oikeastaan aika sama asia, tietenkin Decadence on hieman vähemmän "juusto" :p mutta itse epäilisin tuon state of being corrupt:in olevan se mitä Martti haki takaa, tosin en lue ajatuksia :lol:

ja kuten sanoin, molempi parempi.
Originally posted by Hepatiitti

I'm not sure what's "hepatiitti" in english.. maybe hepatite? Anyway, "hepatiitti" means some kinda disease. Someone who knows better can give a better explaining.... to the rescue and of course my acute knowlegde of english and the fact that I saw some show on discovery where it was mentioned (have to mention that, so you don't get the wrong idea :D ).

Inflammation of the liver, caused by infectious or toxic agents and characterized by jaundice, fever, liver enlargement, and abdominal pain.
My nickname comes from a card game called Magic the Gathering. I´ve been playing that game about 2 years and I´ve been using internet about 3 years. Before that, I used a nickname (Not in here..) Gizmo, who is the DJ of Bomfunk MC´s (lame.. I know..). I started to use this nick last year. I think just about a year... :devil:
My nick hasn´t meaning.
When I started to use internet, I wrote in a paper a lot of nicks, and finally I chose this one.
But as I said, there isn´t any meaning. It´s just a fucking invented name.
My nickname? Quite simple and uncreative. It's taken from a Queen song with the same name. And the 666 after the name has nothing to do with myself. It's just there because the name Killerqueen was already taken.

Yep. That's it.

Ulli <- and that's my nickname in real life :)
Originally posted by MtG
My nickname comes from a card game called Magic the Gathering. I´ve been playing that game about 2 years

Ok, that is kinda scary, you started about the same time that I stopped, of course I had played some 6 years by then (yeah, I got to it early).
Originally posted by AlexiFollower
MtG: love the Xenogears sig.(i love that fucking game)

Yeah.. It´s one of the best games in the f*cking world! RpG:s are the best... :)

Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Ok, that is kinda scary, you started about the same time that I stopped, of course I had played some 6 years by then (yeah, I got to it early).

Yeah.. I´m very scary man.. :hotjump:
I´ve not played the game in a looooong time.. Only 2 of my friends play Magic, and the another lives in the state.. Hellsinki, I mean.. "Stadi" as we finnish call it.. (That was for people who´re not from Finland.. :D )