your opinions of the new album

tO ME ITS the 2nd best, after the 1995 release..interesting mix
of influences...
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor - 03 - Faixa is horrible but stil i give it 9.5/10
Haven't heard it... Jee lets think of the reasons...
maybe because:

a) I don't really like metal
b) my name is Karen and that automatically makes me lame
c) I hate McDonald's therefore I can't enjoy music
d) The color "peach" is the most annoying color in the universe
e) the album is NOT out yet.
f) "coral" color and "peach" are not the same.
metallicasucksponypenis said:
you are such a true fan...... :headbang:

anyhow, i guess you never heard of soulseek? this is 2005...............

that has nothing to do with the fact that we would rather NOT download the album, but instead buy it when it comes out. Some of us still have some respect for the artists.
....of which a lot of people have been doing. I doubt the band is really happy about it.
Why should someone not be able to hear a record before they buy it. It's not disrespectful to want to hear something before you spend money on it. I'm not buying an album unless I've heard the entire thing. It's not like people are going to burn it, listen to it in their room, there is a guy talking in each song twice, it's a promo. If the record is really good which in this case is very good,better than what people and I thought, people are going to buy it when it comes out. Let 'This Godless Endeavor' speak for itself. It's easily the best thing Nevermore has ever done. People are going to go out and buy this album when it comes out. Old fans and new, this album is a huge step forward.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
3-way tie:


I agree right there. It's a tie! And seriously. I downloaded the album and I'll do it again. I own every Nevermore album, and I bought them all..but I downloaded them first. I'm test driving before I buy. Downloading rules. This is a fantastic album and we should be bowing to Nevermore because they're gods. Oh...and the new Darkane album is good. I downloaded that, too.
Dead_Lioness said:
Haven't heard it... Jee lets think of the reasons...
maybe because:

a) I don't really like metal
b) my name is Karen and that automatically makes me lame
c) I hate McDonald's therefore I can't enjoy music
d) The color "peach" is the most annoying color in the universe
e) the album is NOT out yet.
f) "coral" color and "peach" are not the same.

try dc++

After that buy a copy...
I would buy it even if it sucked - and is sure as hell does not !!!! As said before, there is a voiceover on each song announcing it as a new release on CM, so it was leaked on purpose to get some hype going. It probably isn't even mastered yet, so it can only sound better

If you download it - BUY IT
If you don't download it - BUY IT