Your random annoyance of the day

Christians in general
Young-Earth-Creationists in Specific

tell me about it
I just entered this new college to finish in three years. It's christian and all, but you can believe in what you want. So I have this young theacher, looks like a good person and is teaching us morals of the human being and he is a bigoted, homophobic, animal rights hater and ignorant christian. I sometimes want to punch him on his face everytime he opens his mouth.

not sure if creationist tho, but those creationists are so fucking ignorant.
God fucking damn I love being homeless.:Spin: It's so fucking rad:loco:. I love sleeping in my car every night and on my moms apartment floor. It's so comfortable! I love that residential and commercial property is so fucking expensive here it's impossible to live anywhere alone under $15/hr.

Oh gosh- and Craigslist! So cool! It's a good thing I'm a dog loving 420o_O friendly girl with no belongings or pets and I'm trying to be a live in girlfriend roommate with benefits or else I'd really be in trouble!:dopey::dopey: lol!

I sure hope some piece of shit breaks into my trailer with all my stuff in it and steals it! That would be so funny! :danceboy::cool::cool::Smokedev::tickled::p
I went to a hardware store today and asked them to cut me three pieces of wood off of a 2X4 type thing. I wanted one 19" and two 5". The guy proceeds to start cutting the thing VERTICALLY, with a hand saw, and it takes half an hour because he's screwing up the cut each time. And each time he screws up, he's cutting off like 1/4" to make it the right length.

Screw buying local, I'm going to Home Depot next time.
I went to a hardware store today and asked them to cut me three pieces of wood off of a 2X4 type thing. I wanted one 19" and two 5". The guy proceeds to start cutting the thing VERTICALLY, with a hand saw, and it takes half an hour because he's screwing up the cut each time. And each time he screws up, he's cutting off like 1/4" to make it the right length.

Screw buying local, I'm going to Home Depot next time.

I'm pretty sure most lumber yards are really there for you to buy at least full lengths of wood or bulk.

Did you specify you wanted (1) 19" x 4" and (2) 5" x 4" pieces? Sounds like he thought you wanted 19" x 2", etc.
Just checked tracking on my pre-order of GTA V from GameStop. I should have just went to the store today and bought the fucking thing, but figured there's a chance of it being all sold out.

So, I pre-ordered and had it shipped. For some goddamn reason, the game is in Tennessee. ETA: Monday the 23rd.

How the?! I don't even.....
Haven't gotten a good nights sleep in a few months. Every night like clockwork I wake up having an anxiety attack and in a cold sweat and don't fall asleep until about 7am and have to wake up shortly after that- so half the time the anticipation of waking up keeps me up. I'm so goddamn tired all the fucking time.
I've been staying up till like 3-4am playing video games and drinking beer. Waking up late, and being miserable in the mornings.

Oh and my $100 keyboard that acquired a squeaky spacebar within like 3 days of owning it.
Recently enrolled my kid in day care. She fucking hates the fuck out of it and I end up calling in to work to go pick her up because she is losing her mind so hardcore she is hyperventilating. Today would be the second time this has happened.

To top it off, this little "hey watch me kid lose her fucking mind for a half hour before you throw in the towel" cost me $30. At least the first time I got a 3 hour try before they quit.

All that on 5 hours of sleep and I want to find the cutest, softest, smallest little puppy dog with nice big eyes and drop kick that motherfucker across a field. (not really, but you get my frustration).

I go on vacation in a few days, can we fucking skip ahead to that please?

In other news, I took a part time job managing the plan for my younger brother and this is the other on going bullshit that is happening right now.


First: 2 people quit working with him (formal 2 weeks)
Next: I hire 2 new people right away like a boss (within a week of one putting in 2 weeks and within 2 weeks of the other).
Next: Have people fingerprinted as it's required.
Next: Wait fucking 4-6 weeks (still waiting).
Next: In meantime, fill in schedule gap by working 40 hours extra on top of my other full time job. SWEET 2 FULL TIME JOBS BRO!!!

Fuck NY and fuck the progressives that run this shitty ass motherfucker of a state. 4-7 weeks is how long it takes before people can work this job because of all the horse shit regulations and underfunded mandates. Brilliant.
So I had a few little problems with my internet-connection in the last 5-6 days, I didn't think that anything bad could
happen, maybe my router had a little hiccup, whatever...
Today, out of sudden I couldn't connect to the internet with my main working pc, updated the drivers of the network
adapter, didn't change anything, sometimes it didn't even recognize any of the networks, sometimes it wasn't able to
connect and so on.
I have to add that I bought that pc 4 months ago and that I am working as a web/graphic design guy...yay fun without
internet connection.

At least the support guy was really helpful and friendly, but tomrrow is a national holiday in Germany so I can send them
my pc on friday and it will probably take 5-10 days.

So now I have to use my 4 year old Laptop instead and tell a few clients that it will take me some time to finish their stuff
because my pc fucked everything up...thanks alot, I hate this shit!

Edit: Tried to get my backup pc running and after updating some stuff and deleting unwanted programs neither Firefox,
Chrome or the goddamn IE wanted to load a site...they just loaded without an end, so I had to check all kinds of things
for 4 hours!!! to get it running again.
Now it works again, but I probably grew some grey hair during the process...
The local newspaper hired a debt collector to get $20 out of me. I paid for a 3-month subscription in cash under the assumption (after being told by the salesman) that my service would stop unless I wanted to re-up, and they kept on delivering for an additional 4-5 months. Fuck those guys.