Your random annoyance of the day

people that call london andrews "fat"

Had to google image search... sorry dude, she's fat.




I wouldn't exactly consider that ^^ fat, the biggest part of her is her legs. Her belly isn't really huge. I know some big girls and they have arms that are wider than my thighs.

Those thighs in that second pic though are =/.
I wouldn't exactly consider that ^^ fat, the biggest part of her is her legs. Her belly isn't really huge. I know some big girls and they have arms that are wider than my thighs.

puberty hormones make an adult female's thighs thicker than what they were before puberty

it's one of the "visual cues that lets you know when someone is an adult"
like females getting boobs and males getting beards

she's still thin enough in the waist that she's still got the kind of body where when she's far away, i already absolutely positively know she's a female even though she's still too far away for me to see what the hell her freaking face looks like

London Andrews is one of my favorite porn models anyway
and to me, these 2 pics^^ of her look as-sex-as-hell because

she doesn't have the 6-pack-abs or buns-of-steel thing going on
which just looks un-natural and masculine

she's not the anorexically-coke-head thin like "supermodels"

she doesn't have the masculinely huge beer-belly thing like the women here

what is creeping me the fuck out
is the guys that think 6-pack-abs with buns-of-steel is sexy on a girl (like seriously just come out of the closet already)
and also the guys that like it when the fashion model is doing meth to get as thin as she is in the magazine picture that's been photoshopped to make her even more thin, like they're secretely wanting to fuck a skeleton

London Andrews is what a healthy adult human female should look like
Sorry. I prefer my women skinny and in shape. Because I am. ^^ she is not attractive to me in the least.
Woke up an hour late to go check out a house that's for rent.

Woke up with sharp pain in the right side of my neck.

Feverishly clicking "REFRESH" in my email since the tracking # on my cabinet isn't showing any details yet and it is supposed to ship today.

Oh, and that first pic of the London gal.....she'd catch it all day. The one in the wrestling gear is nasty though.
GF went on vacation with two friends of her yesterday for the next 10 days, due to working
from home, with very little direct communication with my clients I already feel lonely after one day...
Have to work quite a bit, so it's not that easy to go out and meet with friends and I have a cold.

I hate this shit, a bit less work and no headache all the time would make my life way easier atm.
GF went on vacation with two friends of her yesterday for the next 10 days, due to working
from home, with very little direct communication with my clients I already feel lonely after one day...
Have to work quite a bit, so it's not that easy to go out and meet with friends and I have a cold.

I hate this shit, a bit less work and no headache all the time would make my life way easier atm.

Ahhh man, I sorta know that feeling. My job requires me to be on the road/out of state for 2-4 weeks at a time, usually every couple of months. Working ass-busting 12-14 hour days and living in a hotel room sucks. It's even better when you have all sorts of drama going on back home and you can't do anything about it. My girl and I have fought over phone/text/FB already over shit and there is nothing more stressful than knowing you're 900 miles from home and can't do a thing about it.
Ahhh man, I sorta know that feeling. My job requires me to be on the road/out of state for 2-4 weeks at a time, usually every couple of months. Working ass-busting 12-14 hour days and living in a hotel room sucks. It's even better when you have all sorts of drama going on back home and you can't do anything about it. My girl and I have fought over phone/text/FB already over shit and there is nothing more stressful than knowing you're 900 miles from home and can't do a thing about it.

No fight going on here, but still stressful - I would love to be able to take a break this week because I am ill,
but this ain't easy when you're self-employed.

At least we had alot pre-vacation sex :D
Oh, not the discussion about skinny/fat women again!

a woman's body should be shaped where when i'm looking at a woman who is really far away and i will already absolutely positively know beyond the shadow of a doubt that i'm looking at someone who was born with a vagina even though she is still way too far away for me to see what the hell her face looks like yet,

that's what an adult female's body should look like, any male who is sexually gawking at anything else is either subcounciously gay or secretly a pedophile