Your random annoyance of the day

Thing is still stuck in my eye and I go to re-setup the axe today with heavier strings, come to find out the one screw that pulls tension on the springs (Floyd) is totally rounded out and I simply just cannot set up the guitar now.

One thing after the other to keep me from starting guitar tracking for our album........ =/

You could always add/take away springs, or increase/decrease the size or grade of them, what ever it's called.

You can also change springs without loosening off the claw completely, jsut need so pliers, a relatively strong arm and patience hahahahaha
my wireless mouse stopped working without a reason, I bought it just 3 months ago in combination with a keyboard.
keyboard works fine, re-installed it, updated the drivers...nothing, keyboard works on every pc here, but the damn
fucking mouse won't work, changed batteries and so on.

So I called the store and they have to reorder it, so now I probably have to wait until monday to get it changed and
have to use my really shitty old mouse instead...
You could always add/take away springs, or increase/decrease the size or grade of them, what ever it's called.

You can also change springs without loosening off the claw completely, jsut need so pliers, a relatively strong arm and patience hahahahaha

I sorted it, for now. :lol:

Pair of pliers. Mangled that bolt to hell but at least I know I can turn it to get it off once I get a replacement,
took a nap, hit myself in the balls...I hate this shit.

I swear the older I get the more I get hit there. I can't even get into the van without taking extra care that I don't squash one. Sit on the couch and I have to be careful how I lean forward to get up or they get in the way. wtf is wrong with me?
Well I guess this is phase two of ball dropping. Once as a child and now as a 40 something. As long as they don't bob in the toilet water when I get to my senior years I'm ok.

No one wants this
Was nagged this morning for parking on the sidewalk by the ones who live in the house where the sidewalk is...twice. The fuckhead ladies caught me entering the car when I was leaving and told me it was their space and explained me why I shouldn't park, that it bothers them and told me where I should do it. What the actual fuck?? This shit happens to me at least every once in a week. Why do people have be like this, I mean c'mon the street is for everyone, it's not that I'm parking on their ramp or even close to it or violating any law, there's no "no parking" sign or anything like that. The thing I hate the most is not fighting them but to actually not park where they told me not to. I feel like an asshole for obeying and the reason I do that is beacause I'm afraid of them doing anything to my car for revenge. People think that because there's a space on the sidewalk outside their home or business, it belongs to them. FUCK YOU
I had pretty intense dreams and was turning around, too bad that only my arm turned around and then lost
all the tension, so my fist hit my ball dropping involved ;)
Installed a used pool (it was free). Lost one of the stupid plates that go at the top of one of the upright pieces and holds on the sides.

I have no idea where the fuck it is. It's making me rage. I have this bitch together and full of water except for that one motherfucker.

Finding parts for this pool is fucking near impossible, even having the fucking part number for a few pieces: impossible. I fucking hate the pool industry, nothing like the car industry where you can fucking google your part and come up with a billion different alternatives that will work. Fucking fucker fuck douchebag asshole cunt.
Finding a Mesa OS cab on eBay for $500, not including shipping....even still, after shipping, I win! :)

Finding out today that the shipping would be $230 due to the cabinet having to go "freight". Still an ok deal, but I can't physically go meet dude halfway so it's either pay just over $700 for a mint cab or drop the extra $300 on a brand new one..... =/