Your Top 10 Prog Epics


May 18, 2010
Vote Your Top 10 Progressive Epics, mine would be:

1. A Change Of Seasons – Dream Theater
2. Harlequin Forest – Opeth
3. Glory Of The Empire – Circus Maximus
4. 2112 – Rush
5. The Odyssey – Symphony X
6. The Incident – Porcupine Tree
7. Shine On You Crazy Diamond – Pink Floyd
8. Thick As A Brick – Jethro Tull
9. The Whirlwind – Transatlantic
10. Sleeping In Traffic – Beardfish

My top 5 :)

1-Octavarium - Dream Theater
2-Close to the edge - Yes
3-Supper´s ready - Genesis
4-The first chapter - Circus Maximus
5-Duel with the devil - Transatlantic
My top 10 :rock:

1. Moviedrome (Arena)
2. Second Life Syndrome (Riverside)
3. Mouth of Madness (Circus Maximus)

A bit random order for these:
4. The Fullness of Time (Redemption)
5. Still Remains (Fates Warning)
6. Rediscovery (Symphony X)
7. A Change of Seasons (Dream Theater)
8. The Odyssey (Symphony X)
9. The Same River (Riverside)
10. Love Kills Us All/Life in One Day (Redemption)
No particular order:
Pink Floyd - Shine on you crazy diamond
Redemption - Love kills us all/Life in one day
Dream Theater - Octavarium
Dream Theater - A change of seasons
Symphony X - The odyssey
Circus Maximus - Mouth of madness
Silent Memorial - Retrospective
Mob Rules - The Oswald file
Andromeda - Extension of the wish
Suspyre - Let freedom ring
Definitely no order 'cause I could never pick a favorite & some are more than one song but 'grouped' together:

Queensryche - Suite Sister Mary (ok maybe not so long to be an epic but that song is just awesome)
Kamelot - Elizabeth trilogy
Extreme - The Truth songs from their disc 'III Sides to every Story'
Conception - Soliloquy
Circus Maximus - Glory of the Empire & Mouth of Madness
Edguy - The Piper Never Dies & The Pharoah
Iced Earth - the Gettysburg tunes
Lost Horizon - Kingdom of My Will & Cry of the Restless Soul
Pathosray - The Sad Game
Vanden Plas - January Sun
My top 10:
1. Seventh Wonder - Break the Silence
2. Circus Maximus - Mouth of Madness
3. Darkwater - The Play, Pt. 1 & 2
4. Redemption - Love Kills Us All / Life in One Day
5. Circus Maximus - Glory of the Empire
6. Darkwater - Tallest Tree
7. Dream Theater - The Glass Prison
8. Seventh Wonder - Waiting in the Wings
9. Conception - Soliloquy
10. Dreamscape - 5th Season
Adagio - Underworld
Angra - The shadow hunter
Avantasia - The wicked symphony
Beyond Twilight - For the love of art and the making
Circus Maximus - Glory :]
Dream Theater - In the name of god, Finally Free
Epica - The Phantom Agony, Kingdom of heaven
Mercenary - Loneliness (7,5 mins, not really prog and epic, but just sheer power & emotion!)
Pain of Salvation - Perfect Element
Redemption - Sapphire, Black and white world
Stratovarius - Anthem of the world

Now Symphony X part:
Divine Wings of tragedy
The new mythology
Through the looking glass

Therion - Via Nocturna, Adulruna redivivia

LTE - When the water breaks (dunno if it counts)
Suspyre - Galactic backward movements
Animations - Animations
Dark Empire - The final vision

Ok, so it's more than 10 :D I had to be very choosy anyway :D
1. Octavaruim- Dream Theater
2. The Sixth Extinction- Ayreon
3. Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence- Dream Theater
4. Supper's Ready- Genesis
5. The Gates of Delirium- Yes
6. The Devil's Playground- The Flower Kings
7. 2112- Rush
8. A Nightmare To Remember/ The Count of Tuscany- Dream Theater
10. Starship Trooper- Yes
My top 10:
The order is not necessarily this, but it's pretty accurate.
NOTE: The Mars Volta is better than any of the bands on my list and yours ;)

01. Cygnus ... Vismund Cygnus - The Mars Volta
02. All Of The Above - Transatlantic
03. The Odyssey - Symphony X
04. The Creation - Neal Morse
05. Octavarium - Dream Theater
06. Funeral For A Friend / Love Lies Bleeding - Elton John
07. Echoes - Pink Floyd
08. Cygnus X-1, Books I & II - Rush
09. Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts. I - IX - Pink Floyd
10. Close To The Edge - Yes

A few songs I didn't add and could have perfectly been on my list are:
Day Of The Baphomets - The Mars Volta
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
The Court Of The Crimson King - King Crimson
2112 - Rush
When The Water Breaks - Liquid Tension Experiment
Tarkus - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Miranda, That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore - The Mars Volta
Race With Devil On Spanish Highway - Al Di Meola
The Separated Man - Neal Morse
Concerto For Group And Orchestra - Deep Purple
I'm a bit biased towards Circus Maximus and Seventh Wonder, but here are a few that are at the top of my list:
1. Circus Maximus- Mouth of Madness...........Actually the whole Isolate album is EPIC!!!!!!!!
2. Seventh Wonder-Devil's Inc.
3. Beyond Twilight-For the Love of Art and Making (Especially Micheal's vocal parts)
4. Queensryche- London and I Will Remember......Might not qualify as epics in terms of length, but they are so atmospheric!
5.Circus Maximus- Glory of the Empire+
6. Communic- At Dewy Prime
7. Iced Earth-Dante's Inferno
8. Iced Earth-Damien
no particular order :) :
Dream Theater - Octavarium

Dream Theater - In te presence of the enemies (1 & 2 connected)

Animations - 911

Animations - The Manhattan Project

Dream Theater - The count of tuscany

Circus Maximus - The 1st chapter

Queensryche - Suite Sister Marry ( -||- like above :)

Circus Maximus - The Glory Of The Empire