Your Top 3 In Flames Songs?

i cant pick 3 without listening to them all right now. it all rules except the second half of whoracle, and rtr past a few tracks...i recently rediscovered lunar strain and subterainian so ive been playing them quite a bit the last few weeks...yeh i cant pick just 3.
Hard to choose as In Flames has a lot of good material. This thread made me go back and listen to a lot of it and I got no closer to an answer. Embody the Invisible, Zombie Inc., Pinball Map, Satellites and Astronauts and Swim all came to mind right away though along with many others.
errr... i like The Predictable End by Eucharist if that counts? oh and A Dialogue with the Stars but that's because it's an instrumental :D
Too difficult to narrow it down to three for me so I'll just post my favorites in order of album release:

Upon An Oaken Throne
Stand Ablaze
Lord Hypnos
Dead Eternity
Dead God In Me
Goliaths Disarm Their Davids
The Hive
Jester Script Transfigured
Worlds Within The Margin
Embody The Invisible
Coerced Coexistence
The New Word
Man Made God
Bullet Ride
Brush The Dust Away
Another Day In Quicksand
Reroute To Remain
Free Fall
Dark Signs
Watch Them Feed

Yep, just too damn hard to narrow that list to 3 songs for me personally.

BTW Jay, I have 5 copies of the original WAR pressings of Subterranean and Lunar Strain. I also picked up Black-Ash Inheritance in Tower Records for $5.99, that was a cool score. I also have a rare pressing of Black-Ash and Subterranean on one cd.
markgugs said:
What did you do? Open up a distro?!
LOL, a few years back IF was like the be all end all to me. Along with purchasing every alternate pressing of every album I could get my hands on (Japanese releases, Euro editions w/bonus tracks, etc.) I went nuts on Ebay rounding up all the copies I could of the original Subterranean and Lunar Strain WAR issued cd's, in addition to some shirts as well (I have a killer long-sleeve Jester Race shirt). Call it more or less the product of a phase I was going through at the time. :)
Well, if you ever decide to sell a Subterranean EP, let me know! I'm assuming you bought five, knowing you might eventually sell four?

Unless of course you have 5 different CD players, and you put all five discs in together and press 'play' at the same time so you get five times the amount of power coming through your ten gazillion speakers!!! \m/

Well, anyway, if you do want to part with one, let me know. :)