Your Top X of 2008?

Hmmm.... a top 10 list would likely include many you already own, but some random ones you may not have been able to find (or sought out) yet:

October Falls - The Womb of Primordial Nature
Black Horizons - A Dream's Funeral
Enslaved - Vertebrae

And a few older ones to at least be on the lookout for just in case they have them (and assuming you don't of course):

Destroyer 666 - Cold Steel... For an Iron Age
Moonsorrow - Suden Uni
Ancient Rites - The Diabolic Serenades
Inquisition - Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan
Burzum - Aske or Det Som Engang Var (the album)

Also, I'm certain you already have the 2008 cd's from Mgla, Ihsahn, Darkestrah but it doesn't hurt to mention them just in case. The rest (like Primordial, Iced Earth, etc.) are obviously in your possession.

October Falls - The Womb of Primordial Nature
Black Horizons - A Dream's Funeral
Enslaved - Vertebrae
Destroyer 666 - Cold Steel... For an Iron Age
Moonsorrow - Suden Uni
Ancient Rites - The Diabolic Serenades
Inquisition - Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan
Burzum - Aske or Det Som Engang Var (the album)

Also, I'm certain you already have the 2008 cd's from Mgla, Ihsahn, Darkestrah but it doesn't hurt to mention them just in case. The rest (like Primordial, Iced Earth, etc.) are obviously in your possession.
Yep. With the exception of AR and Inquisition (haven't been able to find either), I own all of that. Thanks.

you'd probably like crom - vengeance and ereb altor - by honour

other than those, i got nada for you from 2008

but you can always grab bathory's albums. timeless stuff.
Hm, I did a top 15 on the Braveboards, so I'll go with 15 here as well.

1. Misery's Omen - Hope Dies
2. Velnias - Sovereign Nocturnal
3. Ogre - Plague of the Planet
4. The Gates of Slumber - Conqueror
5. Enslaved - Vertebrae
6. Sombre Forêts - Royuame De Glace
7. Arckanum - Antikosmos
8. Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom
9. Astral Sleep - Unawakening
10. Caïna - Temporary Antennae
11. Winterfylleth - The Ghost of Heritage
12. The Devil's Blood - Come, Reap
13. Darkspace - Darkspace III
14. Thyrfing - Hels Vite
15. Hail of Bullets ...Of Frost and War

There is quite a bit I have yet to listen to that would likely knock other things off this list. I have yet to listen to Dead Congregation, Spite Extreme Wing, Krallice, Taake, Coldworld, Veil, Father Befouled, or Horna's releases.
i don't believe you should listen to anyone who calls themselves "helvetekrieg" with a straight face
Top 10 (in no order)

Darkestrah - The Great Silk Road
Darkspace - Dark III
Mar De Grises - Draining The Waterheart (this turned into a major grower, this is atmospheric doom)
Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God
Gojira - The Way Of All Flesh
October Falls - The Womb of Primordial Nature
Velnias - Sovereign Nocturnal
Woods of Ypres - Woods III (Also a grower apparently, i hated it when it was released)
Obtest - Gyvybes Medis
The Faceless - Planetary Duality

Honorable Mentions:

Niyaz - 9 Heavens
Mgla - Groza
Darkflight - Perfectly Calm
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom
Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery
Unleashed - Hammer Battalion
Nachtmystium - Assassins

Horna is pretty consistent so I'd expect it to be a good album. Give the first 2 albums a listen and see what you think.

Hiidentorni Huokui Usvansa off the Hiidentorni demo is one of my favourite songs by them. It's one of their more simple and straightforward songs, but still quite good.
06', 08' same difference. :dopey:

Hey poonsniffer, have you ever seen this review?

My first experience with Epheles was hearing their EP quite a few years back, I listened to it a couple times but never thought much of it and never listened to it again. Recently I was encouraged to check them out once again and I managed to obtain this album and make it through numerous full listens. Due to multiple horribly incorrect ratings of their releases, I decided an accurate review was very necessary.

Epheles is a relatively new band coming from the Black Metal wasteland of France that has managed to fool many people and receive much unwarranted praise by some so called Black Metal enthusiasts. Somehow their releases have managed to get multiple near perfect scores backed by outrageous claims that go as far as saying they're the new Burzum. The only comparison to Burzum I can draw is the fact that they tried and failed to imitate and recreate some moments on "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss". In reality it would be a complete embarrassment to Varg if his music ever degenerated to this level. In a sense the term "closet homosexuality" defines this album perfectly. The band utilizes slightly raw and abrasive production values on the guitars, drums and vocals in attempt to mask the true effeminate nature of this release and to fool the listener into thinking it is something else in the same way a closet homosexual would engage in certain heterosexual acts to fool their friends and family. The members of this band just seem too afraid to come out and portray their music as it truly is. This album has at most 15 minutes worth of riffs that could pass as horribly generic Black Metal. They are poorly written, overly upbeat, melodic, directionless and are simply filler tremolo riffs for the most part that are carried by the fast paced, blast-beat laden drumming with an annoyingly up-front production.The only purpose these riffs serve is to justify the overabundance of the atrocious, feminine sounding breakdowns that plague the majority of this release. These breakdowns are such a pathetic attempt at creating atmosphere and evoking emotion that it had me confused as to how people can find artistic worth within these abominations. The basis of these breakdowns are a slow and typical drum beat and a simple guitar rhythm, on top of that you will hear some mid-paced guitar passages ranging from melodic clean picked notes to dissonant sounding leads. With this comes the minimalistic, melancholic and extremely feminine sounding synths as well as a plethora of really silly sounding vocals. What you can expect is a mix of whispers, spoken word, chanting, moaning, raspy growls and shrieks and something that appears to be a male whimpering. These breakdowns that end up lasting for a few minutes each time take up approximately 25 minutes of the album. They are separated from each other by seemingly random and sometimes just plain bizarre fast paced guitar passages that end up leading into another grating breakdown after a few seconds and they leave you thinking; "What the fuck was that?". The songwriting on this release is particularly horrible, there is no direction at all and it seems like rather than actual songs, they decided to compile a showcase of half-assed riffs and breakdowns that change pace at the most inappropriate times. All the tracks sound virtually exactly the same and follow the same formula, there is no variation in the mood or feeling, every song tries to create a feeling of sorrow and desolation but always ends up being a laughable, miserable failure. I don't understand why they bothered separating the music into different tracks because the effect would be exactly the same if it was just one 50 minute piece. There are also numerous little calming and needlessly boring ambient pieces throughout the album, some serve the purpose as intros on a few songs that are meant to catch the listener off guard when the fast paced riffs come in, I must applaud them for that as it startled me due to myself nodding off during the previous song. Even after taking all of this into consideration, the band manages to fool many listeners into thinking their music is something special. If this is representative to many as a quality Black Metal release, then clearly the boundaries of the genre have spread much too far.

Now I'm sure there are going to be many more people that are going to hear this album and con themselves into thinking this is a unique and triumphant Black Metal release, most likely the same people who wear square rimmed glasses and listen to Wolves in the Throne Room while indulging in a low fat cafe mocha. I personally think Black Metal should be intolerant, hateful and extreme while this album embodies everything that is wimpy and feminine (i.e. wrong) in the Black Metal underground. If this is the kind of thing that appeals to you then I'm sure you'll jump all over this album as it is extremely accessible. If you are a fan of Black Metal, stay away. "Souviens-Toi" is a horrible, horrible release, worse than Xasthur.

What an ass nugget. :lol:
Here's what I posted somewhere else for my top releases this year as well as honourable mentions...

The order here is sketchy and liable to change at any time...

1. FATHER BEFOULED - Obscurus Nex Cultus
2. NECROVATION - Breed Deadness Blood
3. GEIMHRE - Noidagh
4. FATHER BEFOULED - Profano ad Regnum
5. URN - Soul Destroyers
6. MIASMAL - Demo
8. DEAD CONGREGATION - Graves of the Archangels
9. MOON - Apparitions
10. FAUSTCOVEN - Rising from Below the Earth
11. SANGUIS IMPEREM - The Stagnation of Centuries
12. AVSKY - Malignant
13. I SHALT BECOME - Requiem
14. VEIL - Sombre
15. MOON - Blood

Honourable mentions:

ABIGAIL/IRONFIST/DEIPHAGO - Holocaustik Metal Sexxxekution Whoreslaughters
ARYAN ART/FUROR - Aryan Art/Furor
DARK FURY - Fortress of Eagles
DROWNING THE LIGHT - The Serpents Reign
MORBOSIDAD - Profana la Cruz del Nazareno
NASTROND - Muspellz Synir
PAGAN - Monument of Depression
PROCLAMATION - Messiah of Darkness and Impurity
REVENGE - Infiltration.Downfall.Death
VERMETH - Suicide or be Killed!

Still have to hear:

ANAEL - From Arcane Fires
BAPHOMETS HORNS - Perpetrators of Genocide
BLASPHEMOPHAGHER - Nuclear Empire of Apocalypse
CELESTIA - Frigidiis Apotheosia : Abstinencia Genesiis
HORNA - Sanojesi Aarelle
I SHALT BECOME - In the Falling Snow
NIGHTBRINGER - Death and the Black Work
you'd probably like crom - vengeance
Interesting reco. They strike me as a blend between Falconer and Crescent Shield. Not sure how I feel about it yet. It's quality stuff, just not sure if it's something I'd reach for it very often.

ereb altor - by honour
Is this Doom? Saw a torrent for it, where the poster described it as such. I pretty much hate all Doom.
